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The next day

"I don't like it either, Gal'rug, but we have to deal with it." I barely looked up from where I was playing around in the dash, yanking on wires, trying to follow the directions Loril-ee gave me on how to hardwire translations in the comm system directly.

"I do not care. If you needed protection, I should have come along. No one protects people better than a grog!" He pounded his fist into his palm with a meaty thwack and I grinned.

"You're just saying that because you wanna steal a monster truck." I couldn't help but tease him as I spun two wires together, capping them off, and then glancing over at the instructions.

"Monster tru'ks are secondary to the safety of my human." He huffed it out in indignation and I chuckled at the slight possessiveness in his tone.

"Awww your human? You're gunna make me blush, Gal'rug." I glanced at his screen and winked at him before I once again looked at the instructions and quickly found the other wire I needed. It wasn't just Gal'rug who was a tiny bit possessive over me, it was pretty much all the grog I had met. It seemed as though when they met someone who shared similar interests, especially if that person wasn't a grog, they really didn't like even the thought of losing them.

"Well yes! I do not know if other humans like monster tru'ks or the battles in the arena! Or my family's mead!" He was starting to sound just a touch frantic and it had me smiling. "What if you are the only human who likes those things? Or these backstreet boys and their singing? What if they do not like those?"

At that I had to laugh. "Gal'rug, it's okay." I chuckled as I smiled at him. "A lot of humans like those things, it's not just me." I shook my head slightly as I completed the next two steps of the instructions.

"Perhaps but I only know you! What if they do not like us grogs? What if-"

"Gal'rug, take a deep breath, buddy." I cut him off before I leaned my elbows against the comms console and looked at him with a soft smile. "It's going to be okay. I'll be coming back, don't worry." The fact that he cared so much warmed the cockles of my heart, it really did. It also added an extra little warmth that I wasn't gunna address at the moment, or ever for that matter.

"I will worry because you are there needing protection and I cannot be there to ensure you are safe because I am here!" He looked so flustered and agitated that it was honestly adorable. I had never seen him like that before and it was honestly a treat to see him genuinely flustered because I hadn't thought the grog had that capability. They were always buzzing around, never really caring about how things were said or perceived. So see one flustered was definitely interesting.

"What's he upset about?" At the question from my giant shadow I nearly rolled my eyes.

Colonel Luke Hudson hovered.

He had done so from the moment I had gotten up. It was getting old. That and he was clearly trying to listen in on the conversation but was only getting about half of it cause he couldn't understand everyone else. So hence the random questions to help clue him in a bit.

"He's upset because I need a bodyguard." I looked at the last few instructions and carefully tucked the finished wires back into the dash before moving over a touch to work on making the connections needed for a download.

"No, I am upset because you need protection and I am not there!" Gal'rug sounded offended and I nearly rolled my eyes.

"Correction, he is upset because he wants to be my bodyguard." I fought back a chuckle before glancing at Gal'rug. "Grogs can be a little possessive." I couldn't help but throw the teasing at him and he sputtered, actually sputtered.

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