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Several hours later

"And I had to the go all the way to the school because she punched this boy right in his face!" My dad laughed and Gal'rug joined him, large bellows of laughter that made me smile as I watched them all.

"He deserved it." I crossed my arms as I leaned against the pilot's chair my mum and dad were sitting in, my mum sitting on his lap, that blue and gold wrap carefully draped around her neck and shoulders.

"I always knew deep down that my human was an aggressive one." Gal'rug slapped his leg and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"She was a menace." Georgie hooked my neck and gave me an aggressive noogie that I yelped at before I kidney shot him. He gave a rather undignified yelp as he let me go. I tried to fix my hair, scowling at him.

"She defends herself. I think it's a good thing." My mum said it with a smile and smirked as I finger combed my hair, sticking my tongue out as Georgie who was doing his best to stay out of hitting distance.

"I will never argue with that." Mare-aidee said it softly, glancing to me. "We do so care about our Rok'see and it has been a delight to meet her family." She clasped her hands together bowing at the screen.

"This has been absolutely amazing for us as well." My mum fairly gushed it out and it made me so happy to see. I had been a little bit hesitant to have the call after I tried it with the Vice-Admiral but at the same time I couldn't not. I was just thankful everyone got along so well, I had kind of figured they would but seeing it was something else entirely.

"At'kat is so cool!" Jesse gushed it out, staring up at the alien with damn near love in her eyes.

"And you, young hatchling, have been a delight to meet as well." He said it with a few happy clicks and I smiled between them both.

"You look just like a prayin' mantis! Those are the best bugs cause they know kung fu!" She gave a dreamy sigh as she watched him. I should have known she would take to At'kat'vo. She adored insects.

At'kat bowed his head at her. "I am flattered, little one."

"I still can't get over the fact she wasn't lying and you really do like monster trucks, Gal." Georgie said it, sidling closer but protecting his side from me as he looked at me like I was going to jump him.

"I cannot wait to see one in person! A heart thumping good time!" Gal'rug seemed pleased by that, thumping his chest with his fists.

"I don't care what it takes to get that spice delivered to earth but, Dunnerton, man. I am a fan!" My dad said it quickly and I smiled. I had shared some food with them and my dad had fallen in love with the spicy aspect of the jyngt food. Which hadn't surprised me, my dad loved his hot sauce and spice.

"I cannot wait to try your bar-bee-cue you have told me about. It sounds more than delicious." Dunner looked exceedingly excited with that and more than a little pleased he found someone who liked how spicy the food was.

"And your wings are so pretty!" Jesse said it, looking at Loril-ee.

Loril looked pleased by that. "I thank you, little Jesse." She fluttered her wings in a more dramatic way to show them off a touch more for my niece and I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"We should probably get going though." My mum said it, making to get off my dad's lap. "Jesse has to do some online schooling in a little under an hour."

"That's a shame but education is more than important. We hope to talk to you again and perhaps even meet some time." Mare-aidee said it with a soft smile and my mum chuckled.

It All Started With MagnetsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora