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Fist nearly dived between the two front seats as soon as the door closed. "He wuvs yoooooouu!" He sang it out and I just put my hand on his face and pushed him back into the back seat. I wasn't getting into it, I really wasn't, not with them.

"Seriously, Tank. Can you help me out with my queen? My empress? The light of my life? The future mother of my adorable alien babies?" Jetski practically whined it out from the back and I snorted slightly.

"You made an impression. I'm sure she'll be around." The warriors liked to stop in and take me out for drinks when they were in town so it was more than likely that she would be around often, this was her home turf after all. "And we don't know if you would even be able to have kids with her." I hadn't discussed that at all with anyone. It was such an odd topic I hadn't even considered it.

He gave a rather loud snort, "We could adopt some puppies, I don't give a fuck as long as she's the mother of my children."

Gal'rug climbed in right as I started laughing and he looked at me with a touch of confusion. "Don't worry about it, big guy. Jetski is talking about Kas'tara and wanting babies with her."

That had him giving a small nod as he closed his door. "We would have to do some genetic capability testing for humans but I would think it would be similar to other species. Us grogs can have children with advanced medical intervention with a good portion of the species. It's harder for the ilthi but easier between the jyngt, hant and krent, antwyn, and grog. Absolutely not for the k'gtar, their DNA structure is too different. It's a strange process that I do not understand but it is possible, I just know the child will be mainly the species of the mother with a few genetic inputs from the father about appearance." He shrugged and I gave a small 'huh', that had been interesting to learn. People could have partially alien babies. Them taking after their mother's species made sense for why I hadn't seen any super weird mixed aliens running around. Like a two foot tall grog or a hant with wings.

There was a small silence in the cruiser as Gal'rug started it and Jetski cleared his throat. "So you're saying I have a chance?"

"Oh come on!" I was pretty sure it was Aragorn who said it and that had the rest of the guys ribbing Jetski as they complained about how he wouldn't shut up about his new lady love.

"A win is a win! A win is a fucking win!" He shouted it out overtop of them but was laughing right along with them and it made me smile. I was going to have to tell Kas'tara that if she was going to let him down, to let the poor man down gently. I honestly believed he was only half joking when he said he was in love with her.

"We can head straight for the restaurant, Gal'rug. Ignore the fighting." I looked over at him and he nodded before pulling out of the parking space. We were flying through the city, taking the familiar air ways when my holo deck started chirping. I grabbed my bag from the floor, digging in it until I found it. I pulled it out and answered the flashing call. The familiar little whump of a privacy bubble coming up made me want to make my ears pop. "What's up?"

"We have an issue!" Mare sounded almost frantic and I sat up straight.

"What's wrong? What is it?" I didn't like how she sounded. The anxiety reared up and I swallowed hard, trying to keep it at bay.

"We have eyes on nearly twenty ships hovering over Torin! They do not respond to communication and they are built like yours was when you first arrived. We think they are human!" I could hear little sounds in the background and knew she was more than likely in the communication room at the main council building.

"What are you saying?" There were humans, flying above Torin? That made no sense. "Humans?" I didn't get it, no one really had the capabilities of it just yet. Armaan and his get out crew hadn't been ready the last time I spoke to them.

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