"You are early!" The voice was almost frantic and he had a feeling it was Loril-ee. "I am remote accessing the holo deck and sending you the coordinates for the hospital. Please take her there immediately! We will make our way there as soon as possible." The comms shut down and Luke watched as the coordinates changed and he shifted the ship to follow. He watched as all air traffic seemed to stop and then lower closer to the ground, giving him unimpeded access to the route he needed.

He quickly moved the ship around and spotted the building he needed, it had a large open roof and he was aware of beings running around on top of it. "Coming in. Timmay, get her ready!" Luke quickly maneuvered the ship, landing it in the middle of the roof before he dropped the shields and nearly threw himself out of the seat. He bolted for the back and hit the hatch button. "Timmay!" He shouted it as the hatch slowly opened.

"I'm not doing anything with Tank until we're sure this is the place!" The returning shout had him nodding and then jumping down to the roof before the walkway finished extending. Large orc looking aliens, probably grogs and some pastel coloured ones, likely the ilthi, were rushing towards him, pulling a strange looking floating tube.

"Is this where we need to be?" He shouted it out and all he got back was a whole lot of fucking gibberish as they shouted back. He cursed, he had completely fucking forgot about the translation issue. "Is this where we need to be?" He shouted it again and a grog female shoved to the front.

"Rox'ie!" She clapped her hands loudly and pointed to the tube. "Rox'ie!"

At the name he nodded quickly and bolted back to the ship, nearly thundering up the walkway. "We're here! Get her out!" He skidded to a stop and within a breath Timmay came nearly bolting out of the bedroom, Roxie laying terrifyingly limp in his arms. She was pale and looked nearly dead and Luke followed Timmay as the man practically sprinted from the ship.

"Where do I put her?" He sounded frantic and Luke was right behind them both, feeling just as bad but the Grog female had opened up the side of the tube thing and had brought it to the end of the walkway.

She gestured to it. "Rox'ie! Rox'ie!" She pointed at it again, her voice nearly a boom and Timmay nodded as he quickly carried Roxie over to it and placed her inside. He was pushed to the side as the grog female quickly closed the side of it and then they were running.

"Keep eyes on her!" Luke didn't hesitate as he bolted after them and he was aware the guys were right on his heels. They rushed down a long and wide hallway before the group of what he believed to be doctors turned into a room. They followed and Luke watched as they seemed to slide the tube thing into a cylinder, doughnut looking machine before the female grog pointed at them all.

"Gev! Tel gev!" She made a sharp gesture with her hand and Luke stared at her. "Tel gev!" She looked angry as she came over. "Gev!"

"We aren't leaving." He snapped it out and pointed to where the doctors were moving around the rube thing. "She's under our protection, we aren't leaving." It would be a subzero day in hell before he backed off from it.

She threw up her hands, sounding like she was ranting as she pointed at them and the room and then back at them, her ranting almost growing in volume. The other aliens said something back in a completely different language than the one she was ranting in but she seemed to understand them as she turned her angry ranting at the others.

The tube thing seemed to light up and the frantic rushing slowed down as the doctors seemed to start monitoring various alien displays that hung around the machine. Luke refused to move and he was aware of the others moving closer to him, almost huddling up in a wary sort of way. He didn't blame them for that, this was an unknown environment, with unknown beings that could be potentially hostile, who they did not understand. He was so busy trying to rapidly understand the situation to really look or gawk at anything and he was not going to be removed from the room while Roxie was in there.

It All Started With Magnetsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن