"I would love that. Perhaps take a stroll through one of those crystal gardens. They look amazing." She got to her feet and my dad followed suit.

"I agree. Hopefully we can chat soon." My dad nodded and I stepped back so they could get out of the smaller space. "Come here." He caught me around the neck with his arm and pulled me close. "I love you and you stay safe." He kissed my cheek and I hugged him back with a nod.

"Don't worry, dad. Hudson's really good about making sure I'm safe." The man would probably like to bubble wrap me and put me on a shelf but he was great at his job.

"That's good." He kissed my cheek again and let me go.

My mum took his spot, giving me a tight hug, smoothing down my hair. "Don't forget to call. We love you." She kissed my cheek as well and I hugged her back before kissing her cheek too.

Georgie gave me a one armed hug. "I'm not kissing your cheek because you have cooties." He palmed my face and pushed me away almost playfully.

"Fuck off." I smiled at him before I bent down and opened my arms for Jesse. She trudged over, looking more than upset but I picked her up, kissing her cheeks a few times. "It's alright, sweetheart. Hopefully I can visit again soon." She hugged me around my neck and said nothing so I rocked her back and forth.

"Come here, monster." Georgie said it as I came over and grabbed her, pulling her away from me. "Gotta let Aunty do her work with the aliens. Maybe if it's not too bad we can take a trip to see saturn with her. How does that sound?" He smiled at her and she beamed.

"Really?" She looked at me and I nodded.

"Really really." I moved over to the console and lowered the shields, motioning to the Council that I would be back as I followed them to the back. There were a few more minutes of goodbyes before they left but watching them walk away left a bit of a pang in my chest. I hated that there was so much between us, a lot that I caused, but I adored the fact I got to visit with them.

I spotted Hudson standing next to what looked to be eight other soldiers. "Why are you standing in the entrance without the damn shields up?" He didn't look at me as he said it and I scoffed.

"I could just put them up and not let you on if you prefer." I shrugged as I watched him motion to the others. They all turned and fell into step behind him.

"Get your ass out of the doorway and into the ship." He pointed at me and I nodded, moving back away from the entrance and back to the pilot's chair.

"Oh, where did they all go?" Everyone but Gal'rug was gone. I sat down and he grunted slightly.

"Went to get something to eat. I will be joining them but I offered to stay behind to say goodbye for us all." He nodded at that and I gave him a half smile.

"I miss you guys, you know that?" I really really did. Seeing my family helped soothe a bit of an ache inside me but I really missed my friends. I missed Torin and I wanted to go back. Yah Earth was great and all but Torin was like my home. I had made a life there.

"Me most of all." Gal'rug gave me a sly smile and I was aware of boots on the metal floor as they all entered the ship.

I laughed at his words, "Greedy grog." I rested my chin on my hand as I winked at him.

Hudson reached passed me and flicked on the shields. "Hey, Gal'rug, what are the scores?"

"The same really, Hud'sson. Haven't had a big fight in a few days. Just personal skirmishes. Happens every month or so."

At the respond Hudson nodded, "Gunna keep me in the know, right?" He pointed at the grog and Gal'rug slammed his fists together.

"Absolutely, my friend! One of these days you and I will get into the arena, test our strength!" He looked so excited and Hudson grinned.

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