"Okay, Hudson, buddy, dude, big invasion of privacy there. So jot that down. But I gave you unrestricted access, that part's on me. I'm glad I didn't have anything risque on there." I yawned again and opened my eyes wider as he waved his phone. I could faintly hear chattering and loud laughter coming from it.

"That doesn't matter. It wouldn't have been anything I haven't seen before. Now tell them!"

I stared at him hard as he expectantly held the phone out for me to take. "Dude... what the hell?" I scrubbed at my face and then looked at him again.

"Tell them. I cannot take the ribbing when I know I'm right." He looked so open and expectant that I found myself reaching for the phone, more awake than anything at the moment.

"Hudson, buddy, we're going to be talking boundaries after this, okay? I hope you realize that." I pointed at him and he nodded quickly, watching me intently as I pressed the phone to my ear.

I was bombarded by laughter and rapidly thrown around jokes. "Can y'all shut up?" I asked it and there was more laughing but it quickly dissolved into 'oooh's

"Did Riviera get himself a lady friend?" The clear voice suddenly caught everyone's attention and I rubbed at my face listening to the chorus of 'Lady friend?' that followed.

"Are you all done so I can speak?" I wanted to get this done so I could go back to bed and them oooh-ing and aww-ing was not helping me at all.

"Oooooh! She bossy!" Someone called it out and there was more laughter and jokes.

"Bossy bossy? I need me some of that!" Someone else called it out and it was followed by more laughter.

"So where did he find you? Did he pluck you off the street like an orphan kitty? Did he wrap you up in a lil blanket too and give you forehead kisses?" The teasing was more than clear and I gave an amused snort, looking at Hudson as I raised my eyebrow.

"What?" He looked so confused and I gave a low laugh, shaking my head. Jesus, I had no clue that buttoned up, stern Hudson had such crazy friends.

"How did he find her?"

"She didn't say so shut it!"

"Stop hogging the phone, Jetski!"

"What does she look like?"

"I don't know, Timmay!" At the name there was a chorus of people saying it just like I could recall from the old cartoon South Park. "I can't see her, dumbass!"

"Oooooh facetime!" Someone called it out and the call was picked up as they started chanting for facetime.

I held the phone back out for him as the chanting for facetime grew louder. "You deal with that. Let me find my scales." When he didn't take it I walked over and pressed the phone to his chest and let it go. He scrambled to catch it as I moved over to my storage units and grabbed the one with my personal stuff in it.

"No! I'm not doing facetime." Hudson said it with a bit of irritation. "Why? Because you don't need facetime, Ham." He started pacing as I put the small container on the table and opened it. "Dependapotamus? What are yo- No I didn't get married, dumbass. That's the asset I'm protecting, not my girlfriend." I did my best to ignore the conversation, despite how amusing it was to see him so flustered. "Yes, I know Jetski is attractive but there's no use comparing us bo- Absolutely not! I will not be letting you facetime so you can hit on her!" The strain in his voice had me giggling slightly as I pulled out the beautiful blue and gold wrap that Liress had given me. "No I'm not cock blocking, Jetski! And don't you say a word, TruckNuts."

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