"Explain what you mean by pack bond."

It was a statement, not a question but I ignored that. "They like to make friends and get attached to said friends." I gave another shrug.

"What is the Galactic Union?" He kept his tone even as he asked it.

"It is the cooperative governing body for the six planets and the species that reside on them."

"Okay. What is this?" He took the photo of Gal'rug and slid me over another one. "I have given Captain Matthews photo evidence, C156-P0005, to identify."

I picked it up and smiled. "This is an antwyn called Loril-ee, she's the Antwyn Ambassador on the Council of Torin. A small species with wings and antenna that originated on a really messed up planet called Lev'twi where everything will try to eat you. They are very logic based, they think in theoretical formulas and mathematical equations. Can be vicious if pressed but are generally friendly." I put the picture down and slid it back over to him

He took it and then put down another one "Identify this one for the records. I have given Captain Matthews photo evidence, C156-P0004, to identify."

I turned it towards me and smiled again. "That is an ilthi, her name is Mare-aidee, she's the Ilthi Ambassador for the council of Torin. The ilthi were the original species that had space flight and discovered the rest. Their historical records spans over six hundred thousand years. They are usually really tall but are generally slender and they originated from Itlarian. Very calm people, like meditation. Very personable but don't attempt to touch their hair as its actually a sensory organ called ilithari."

I handed the photo back and he handed me another. "What is this?" He tucked the other photo back into the file. "I have given Captain Matthews photo evidence, C156-P0001, to identify.

I looked at the photo and nodded. "That's a k'gtar. His name is At'kat'vo and he's the K'gtar Ambassador to the Council of Torin. The k'gtar look like prey mantises and originated on kG'rakt. They were actually the first species that helped found the Galactic Union. The ilthi arrived on their planet first because it was closest to Itlarian. Very calm species, a bit shy, kind of anxious, really pack bond with people and things." I slide the photo back over with a smile. "They make good friends and even better poker players." My attempt at a joke was met with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Interesting." The Commander's tone, mixed with the slightly disgusted look on his face had outrage rising up in me.

"Hey, just because he looks strange doesn't mean he's not a good person. At'kat is a good friend." I pointed at the picture. "He is a good person, a great friend!"

Bianca smacked my shoulder with the back of her hand. "Tone it down, Matthews."

I looked her, still feeling a bit outraged for my friend. "I'm just saying, Bianca."

"Yes but stick with the facts for right now. Get mad later so we don't drag this out for longer than we to." She waved me off, crossing her arms over her chest.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

The Commander slid over another picture. "Please identify this species. I have given Captain Matthews photo evidence, C156-P0006, to identify."

I tilted my head to look at it. "That's a jyngt, specifically that is Dunnerton, he's the Jyngt Ambassador for the Council of Torin. The jyngt are a very sedate species, they take their time to think before they make decisions. Very friendly. Really like spicy foods. Came from the planet Jy"

Dunnerton's picture was taken and another was put down. "And can you identify this species? I have given Captain Matthews photo evidence, C156-P0003, to identify." He tapped the photo and I frowned as I reached over and picked it up.

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