I had asked about it, all the deadly uses for pretty much all of their technology were in there. There were hundreds of thousands of years of deadly innovation packed into the massive document, mostly thanks to the ilthi and their massive historical record. Any fears I had of the horrors of humanity chasing away our interstellar friends due to how horrible we could be was washed away as I read some of the weapons they had created. Some accidental, some decidedly not. Humans were just starting on the creative ways to kill people but the ilthi made it look like humans were having playful sibling squabbles using sticks.

Mare-aidee explained that the ilthi had thousands of years to get it out of their system, most of the alien races had and that humanity had done nothing that hadn't already been done before and way worse. She then explained that they outlined the horrendous uses so that everyone would know what to watch out for in case someone actually built the devices listed. It made it easier to find perpetrators and when everyone had access to the exact same technology and nothing was hidden, it made it harder to subvert the unsaid rules and made it easier to disarm or neutralize the threats because once something deadly was discovered, the entire Galactic Union worked together to find a way to protect against it.

Which is what would happen with my engine, especially the negative aspects such as levelling an entire city, creating massive electrical killing fields, crushing force, suffocation, and everything else that I had figured out it could do. I gave them how it all worked and they would then work on how to protect against it or how to neutralize it entirely. Which was amazing and made me feel far better about the entire thing. They also explained that the life changing innovations were always added so that all the planets had the same base technology and that funds would be allocated into making that innovation better or to expand its uses.

Loril-ee had then told me that all the funding for the modification of their propulsion engines would be rolled into funding for my engine. While each innovation was important, it would fall under an umbrella and interstellar space travel, subsection propulsion, was what my engine fell under. The other uses of my engine, such as the shielding, would be tested against their current ones and if they were found to be better than the current, those projects would get scrapped and that funding would roll over to that particular use to make sure it was being used and studied to it's fullest potential.

After that I hadn't minded handing over all that I had about the engine. I had been told it would take a while to translate the documents and schematics into something that they could use. Which made sense, sure math was the same across the board but the symbols used for it were something that probably changed drastically across the board, as well as symbols used to denote certain things.

Which is where most of my week was spent. I had to translate symbols from my schematics into something they understood, usually it was the standard, 'this symbols denotes a break from the wiring diagram and if you find the other matching symbol, that is where the rest of the diagram is without needing to show how long those wires are.' or 'that's a shock hazard symbol. It means don't touch that when it's powered on because you will be electrocuted'. Which they, of course, had an equivalent to but the written language barrier and symbols were an issue to work through.

But we had been going non-stop for nearly a week. I thought the aerospace scientists at NASA had driven me nuts, the full scientific body of Torin was driving me to the brink of insanity. Top specialists from all over the planet had come to the research center to speak to me and to check out the ship, which was now kind of stripped bare as they prepared it for their modifications. Not that I minded, I trusted the scientists working on it and it wasn't like I couldn't make another one using the parts lying around, would have probably been better looking than the first one I made in my garage.

It All Started With MagnetsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin