Day 33

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Breakfast with Shopie.

She seems fine still, been asking for things to use in her room.

She has, adapted to mostly staying in her own apartment.

I stil spend a lot of time with her, cannot have her wondering around now can i?

The baby bird may not leave the nest so soon, otherwise she might find something that will eat her up.

Like the big bad wolf to grandma.

Anyways, I have instructed her to not go up the lvels without me as it could be dangerous.

I think she understood me, and I hope she will listen to me.

But, I wil be careful.

What if she is using the radio against me?

That could be an issue.

I should find a way to keep my secrets safe.

I need to check on the boys.

Theu are fine

Still doing the same old same old.

I chatted to them a few minutes, it was nice.

The GasMasks are okay, still kicking.

Honestly, it may just be easier to get rid of everything and go on my own.


Moth, an hhe others need me.

They rely on me.

So, I must provide.

Like a momma bird.

Anyways, gonna check in with Sophie then head out to the experiments.

Sophie was fine.

Group one, still starving. They look horrible.

Group 2, still in dark. Nothing

Group 3, still in sunlight. Nothing

And group 4, still in the water. Still looking the worst out of all of them.

Tossed a live squril into the water, they were slow. Sluggish when compared to the other groups.

I wonder, will the starving group be quick or brittle?

Gonna try stuff.

Ok, so.

I had a squirl, and held it close to them.

They stumbled and went for it.

Not very quick, a bit slow when compared to the other undead but not as sluggish as group 4.

I kept the squirl and tossed aside.

No death for the squirl today.

Sitting otusdie, enjoying the good weather.

The world is so quiet.

Though, honestly.

Its not like I remember what the world used to be like.

So I shouldn't really worry about what it was like.

Good for me, waking up in a world which is fresh.

New world, and a new mind.

I do ownder, how do others view it?

I assume most humans view it as a wastland with dangerous creatures.

Though, the undead aren't that bad if you just are careful.

But, I may be bias seeing as I am undead.


Well, just a sentient undead..

I feel tired, gonna head back home.

Back home, gonna check on Sohpie.

She is okay, ate dinner together.

She had lunch by herself.

Asked about what I did.

I claimed I was busy putting up wallas and moving undead away from our home.

I think she belived me.

Made sure she slept after chatting with GasStation.

I worry what she talks about when I am not around.

I might, need to remove her sooner then I thought.

I seem to be, much more paranoid then I thought I would be.

I feel, tired.

Checked in on the boys, gave them dinner.

Gonna sleep.

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