day 1

1 0 0

I have woken up from my sleep, it's a rather strange world I am in now.

The dead walk upon us, and I seem to be one of the horde.

Yet, my mind is still sane?

This is strange, but I must catalogue my old life before I forget it all.

My name, I cannot remember.

But I was a student, I presumably lived alone in this apartment.

I have food stocked up, but the water doesn't seem to be working.

I have books, and what looks like comics.

I will begin to read them, perhaps they might stir some memories of mine?

I'm not feeling a craving for flesh, or brains. I feel like I should be though, or well, the staryotyope would mean I should be.

I decided to walk around for a bit, get a better idea of what's going on.

I can find my way around the area, but there are still people alive.

I saw a small group in a gas station.

I watched them for a few hours.

I think?

I am not entirely sure.

But I watched them.

My fellow undead wonder around, they don't seem to have any clear idea.

I tried talking to them, they are unresponsive.

I poke and prod them as well.


The humans.

No, the living.

They hide inside the gas station.

Looking from a distance, I used twin spyglasses I found on a mans corpse. I also took the book he had in his back pocket.

I looked into the gas station.

Maybe five living people inside.

I am happy I took you with me journal.

Not too sure why you are blank though.


I think they have no firearms.

But, there is food and supplies within the gas station.

So they should be okay.

I think I should watch them daily.

I could make little section like.

Notes about Gas Station Group

-Five Living people

>3 males

>2 females

>Whatever is in a gas station?

-Barracad is holding.

I went back home after that, I got a bit bored.

Sun fell, I don't really feel tired.

So, I began to read more.

I mostly ignore the book involving classes.

Mathematics, history, ect ect.

It looks like I was taking a german class when I was alive.

But I will read a book now.

It's title is, "Of mice and men"

I finished the book.

It was good.

I feel sorry for Lennie.

But, at least he was happy in the end.

I am curious, what happened to George after the story ends?

I think I will hate how most stories end, if they end like this one did.

I plan to struggle through some of the history books before the night is over.

Undead-DiaryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora