day 22

1 0 0

A hearty breakfast, good food for me and the boys.

I looked into the mirror for a while, and I am still me.

I checked up on the GasStation, they are fine.

I will do my best to helpthem, and the other servivors.

They will always trust me, I will prove that fact.

I will bring tools, items for them.

I have, a few ideas.

I could build a community, but it will take time.

It would be worth it, seeing as ive already been collecting undead and such.

Perhaps I should clean, and begin to set up more.

For now, I shall check up on the groups.

Day eight of the experiment, still no sign of a change.

Could definatly be worse.

I do question, why am I writing in this journal?

Is it to keep my memories?

To log my journey?

I don't know. I don't think I really know at all.

But I will keep thi s up.

Been working the rest of the day, collecting undead and making proper places good again.

Starting with my own appartmnet place, moving undead down floor by floor.

Top to bottom, and might've tossed a few outside.

Luckily it was only a few storys, and my apartment is on the first floor.

So, I made sure to lock up the apartment and only make it so the lobby is the entrance.

This is nice, very good.

Sleep time.

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