Day 26

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Woke up, and ate breakfast.

The boys are dojng good thankfult

Spent a good part of the night collecting supplies in shopping carts and moving the train back into the apartment.

Medication, tools, books, and a lot of different random supplies.

Literly just grabbing and tossing hatevrr into the carts.

But it's a good collection.

Eventually I should write it all down.

Time to go check on the experiments.

Day 12 of the experiment.

Group One is still like yesterday, no ne changes.

Group 2 has no changes.

Group 3 has no changes.

Group 4 has no changes, beside those stated yesterday.

I wonder, does sunlight or darkness have any real effect on them?

I don't think so.

But honestly, it will take time.

And I hate waiting, waiting waiting

I have to wait.

I have to distract myself.

GasStation is doing well, for which I am thankful.

They are decent fokes.

At least, from what ive seen when looking through their things.

I think, i am doing good.

I work hard, making things better.

Safer for, humans. For the living.

But, I will also do good for the undead.

I already am.

I hide them away, where h

Where they are safe.

Though, perhaps I should be feeding the undead wiyhin the storage units.

I uh, perhaps I have forgotten to do that.

Did I ever think about feedint hem?



I should go, and check on them.

Fuck. Fuck

Same as the starving group.

They, aren't doung so hot.

At least they atill walk around and such.

But I need to do more.


Should I go and feed them every day?

That would, be annoying to have to feed more undead.

The supply of meat is not infinaite.

I need, to try and get more anila sna dsuch.

I will go out tonight, looking for more sources of meat. 

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