day 13

1 0 0

Back home, should have brought my diary with me.

Went to Judas apartment, grabbed what he wanted. It was, mostly specific books.

Ellies, checked in on his family. Dead, I locked them in a bedroom and wrote on the door. then I grabbed his phone charger.

Lucille, checked home. Didn't find her mom.

Rickey, there was nothing of note. Grabbed some gameing systems and charagers.

Moth, Moth.

She is, lovely. Her family, is, well. I feel unfortunate, but I put them somewhere safe.

I collected some of her things.

I, also got photos for everyone who has family.

They should, remember how they were before they died.

I am, a good person.

I saw, more survivors.

Lose collections, mostly singles just struggling to survive.

I marked down where they were on the map.

I may, visit them later on.

Some people were traveling around, killing unded.



I need to check on my undead.



They are, ok

I should have, not been away so long

I missed out on recording what they do

Perhaos, I should record them with cameras?

That might be a good idea.

Anyways, sent a message. Gonna go diliver thei stuff now.

Ok, delivered it. they seemed, very happy over the radio.

I am glad, I could do something for them.

They were, so nice.

I enjoyed, hearing them happy.

I'm laying on my floor now, and it's not that bad.

I actually, rather like it.

This life, I am living.

I mean, yeah its an apocalypse.

But, I am safe.

I don't have to struggle for anything.

Its, like paradise.

I think, I might be enjoying this life then my old life.

But, I do wonder.

What is my life, before I was this?

I mean, I don't even know what my old name is.

Who was i?

What did I do?

I, I want to know. Buti also don't.

What, caused alltis to happen?

I don't know, but perhaps I should remember to ask the gas station group.

Am I, forgetting something?

I think, I need to get back on schedule.

I will be sleeping now. when I wake up I will get back on schedule. 

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