day 2

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I didn't sleep, but I think it would have been good if I did.

I rather disliked the history books, but I still reaf them.

This morning I noticed the undead were rather slow.

Perhaps they sleep?

It seems like it, but I don't know.

I ate a breakfast of otmeal

I don't think I am able totase things.

But, that will need more studys.

After I ate, I began to conduct an experiment.

I examined my entire body.

I found a bite mark on my inner thigh, not intierly sure how I got it.

Perhaps that's how I was infeted?

Sounds right, but cannot be entirely sure.

I don't appear to be decomposing, though my pupils are dialated and bloodshot.

Checking my teeth, they seem to have perhaps gotten sharper?

I found old photos of me, pre infection.

I can use this as a reference for what I may be going though.

My skin appears to be more, clammy?

But otherwise most are the same.

I am able to speak, but do I breath?

So, I decided to try this theory.

So, I heled my breath.

I believe I counted to 100 when I gave up.

I went to check on the people in the gas station.

Still alive, and seemingly no change in group.

Good for them.

I moved in closer, but I didn't want them to notice me so I gave up.

It's a shame.

I want to meet them.

Ask them what they know.

But I am afraid.

What if, they relies what I am?

That would be, horrible.

They could, kill me.

I don't want that.

I, I think I will sleep now.

Perhaps I might dream?

I woke up, it was dark outside.

But technically the day is not over yet.

I will read for an hour or two, then sleep.

Undead-DiaryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora