Day 30

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Morning, I ate breakfast with the boys before feeding the GasMask survivor.

She is weak, but I must take care of her.

Checked in the gasStation group, same old same old.

I will ignore the day

I must watch over the young lady.

I feed her, and clean her.

So frail.

Very very frail.

Such a shame, I worry.

Will she not survive?

She didn't turn, so I must keep her alive.

I must see, more.

I will know and watch what happens.

She is burnig up.

I will help her.

Cold washcloth on the forehead, should help.

I will keep her alive.

I keep my facemask on, I will not give her a fright if she survives.

Noon or something I think, still keeping watch over her.

Going to feed her more.

I feel tired.

Am I overworking?

I think it could be stress.

I am worried about this human.

But it think I know why I am worried.

This is a human who avoided turning into an undead.

While it could be for simple reasons, what if she might be immune or something?

If that's the case, I cannot let her go.

To let her go, that would mean I would lose a valuable subject.

If there is even a sliver of a chance, I must keep it safe.

If worse comes to worse, I can bullshit a story about saving her from her friends and bring her to the GasStatioon.

Though, I hope it doesn't get to that.

Dinner time.

Fed the boys.

Fed myself, and fed the human.

I will stay up to keep watch over her.

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