day 29

1 0 0

Morning, like always my diary.

Journal, whatever you are.

Looked in the mirror longer than usual.

I am still me?

I did an examination of my body today, still fine.

I am still fine.

Wore some different clothes today, I have been forgetting to change.

Will start doing that now.

Ate breakfast with the boys.

I don't theink they did anything with the toys I left them, but I wont worry.

Gonna chat with the GasStation now.

Same old same old, I'm considering going to tell them the truth.

But, with things tense as they are that might be difficult.

They have a few more requests from their homes.

Amenities, clothes, such and such.

Gonna go out and check on the experiment before I go grab their stuff.

Day 15 of the experiment.

Group one, still starving. I almost feel sorry for them.

Group 2 is just peachy.

Group 3, same old same old.

Group 4, no huge change. But overall I feel sorry fr them the most.

Seems to be the most disgusting thing to happen to the undead, at least for the time being of course.

I wonder, what other things may happen to the undead.

Can insects burrow and breed within them?

I am, curious.

That would be an interesting situation I think.

Later on I will need to disct one.

But for now, I will leave them alone.

Anyways, I will go back to the GasMasks base.

Gonna leave some stew, undead stew.

Then I will watch and see what happens.

don't worry, I will bring you wth journal.

Ok, n my hiding spot.

I delivered the stew and a note of peace when they weren't around.

I am hopeful they will believe it, and they all will eat up the stew.

I will record the tme and such.

They got back, and put stuff away.

One of them noticed the food.

They took off their gas masks, and examined the food.

I am smiling, I hope they eat it.

They have eaten the stew, rather stupid of them.

Only issue, I don't know how much each person ate.

No matter, I will watch.

They went to sleep, but some don't look good.

I am gonna head over and be there with them.

It feels nice, watching them squirm and writh in pain.

I held one down, and could see all their veins clearly.

The virus, pathogen, whatever it is, is orking nicely.

The shaeke, their bodies convolsing.

I watch, baseball bat ready incase any of them wake back up human.

But well.

The four of them woke up undead, but one woke up human.

I bounded the four, and was left with the human.

I took her back home.

Tied to the bed.

Got the four undead, left them in a room next to mine.

The human, is sick but alive.

I think I know why she is alive still.

Small amount, vomiting up her guts.


I will talk when she feels better.

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