Day 6

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Woke up, ate breakfast.

Looked into the mirror, still me.

No dreams.

Curious though, what could my name be?

Perhaps I should check around the house more, or books.

Maybe I missed something?

I checked in with the gas station group, they're fine.

They seemed to be bored, so I read a story to them over the walkie.

It may be a waste of batteries, but if they need more I can give them more.

Or, perhaps I could look for a bookstore or just bring them a shopping cart of stuff.

Or maybe I shouldn't, maybe they might be too reliable on me.

They might rely on me.

Anyways, I spent that part of the morning reading to them.

I think I'll head out, maybe find a map and such.

Search was good, no sign of GasMasks.

Found a map in the store, which is good.

I also saw, something intrestimg.

It was a survivor, male. He had a tire iron.

He was grabbing perishables and stuffing them into a backpack.

He didn't see me.

But he wasn't very perceptive, as the undead began to head twords him.

I stuck by to watch what might happen.

The undead lunged at him, he managed to fend them off, for a little bit.

Before long, he was swarmed and they tore into his flesh.

They ate and ate, during that time I grabbed his bag and hurried away.

Perhaos he saw me in his last moments, I don't care.

So, I am back home now anyways.

Gonna check through his bag.


Not really a lot of stuff besides the food he was trying to get from the store.

Yeah, nothing.

Maybe he was on a supply run?

Still, free food is free food.

Gonna check out the map, make some notes on it.

Marked the gas station, and my home.

Had an idea.

Could I herd the undead?

Like, I could lock them all up in one area.

Don't wanna kill them, since they wont hurt me.

Also, what if they find a cure?

I should, keep them safe.

I will do that, this night. I will explore for a good spot to bring them.

It nears time for sleep.

I checked out many places.

I found a wearhouse and storage lockers

It could be useful.

Pools as well, they might be useful. As long qs there is no tairs.

I will sleepcnow.

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