day 14

1 0 0

Morning, morning.

Breakfast and a look in the mirror.

I feel well rested, and well. I guess I still look like myself.

Supplies are still plentifal.

Checked in with the gas station group, they are good.

Gonna go out and check up on the undead.

Seemed to be doing well, I think.

I have divided up the groups.

Group One will not be getting fed.

Group 2 will be left in the shade.(fed)

Group 3 will be left in the open sun.(fed)

Group 4 will be regularly sprayed with water.(fed)

I will see their reactions to each and continue experimenting.

I will try out a new experiment, and bring you with me.

Sound. What will they hunt by?

I have a squirl, and an alarm clock.

I set up the alarm clock, itll go off soon.

When the alarm rings, the undead went to it.

As this occurred, I cut the squirl and let the blood drip near the undead.

This, got their attention and the undead hurried to the squirl.

Even when I walked away, they stayed looking for it.

But some went back to the loud alarm.

Smell and hearing, both useful tools.

This was, productive I think?

I will conduct more experiments with them.

But it may take time.

I need to learn more about us, and with so much free time it should be good.

What about, human trials?

That, could be even more useful.

And I do know some spots.

I should, think more about it.

But, perhaps.

No, that would be, unethical.

Even though, it is, a difficult situation.

Anyways, I did my needed things.

Talked to gas station earlier, ate, delt with undead.

Perhaps, I should go give the lone survivors some gifts?

Yes, that sounds, lovely.

But ive had a long day.

I will be resting now.

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