Day 32

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Breakfast with Sophie, I allowed her to speak to the GasStation people.

They will help her, and they will make plans for the future.

While she delt with that, I fed the boys.

Couldn't stay long though.

Came back to Sophie.

She seems, happier knowing about the other group.

But still, she is weak.

I am continuing to keep her company.

I bring her books, and we talk.

Well, she talks and I ask questions.

I prefer, not to come up with more lies.

That would make it so confusing and annoying.

But no matter, I did what I had to do.

She likes me, I am her friend.

Its useful.

A living human subject.

Perhaps even an immune eone.

She occupies lots of my time thoigh.

That, is a ig issue.

I could be dog more

But I am playing housekeeper.


I am already regretting this.

But, it is necessary

Atleast till I finish learning about the human body and anotomy.

Once I do that, I should be okay.

For now, she lives.

I will be leaving to do my rouds, gonna keep Sophie in the room locked.

Sould be fine by herself.

Group one, still starving

Group 2, still kept in the dark. Nothing happening

Group 3, still in sunlight. Nothing happening

And group 4, still looks maybe the worst.

Well, group 1 and 4 look bad.

So I'd assume the undead are effected by natural things.

Kinda obvious.

Curious a bit, is there going to something inside tgeir bodies when I open them up?

Hm, I will need to do that.

Gonna head back home.

Home, no issues arriving.

Going to the boys first an the rest.

Both sets okya, fed them and going to get dinner ready with SHopie.

Sophie seems to be well, she is enjoyn the food I made.

Potatos, glaric, and chicken.

Well, some kind of bird anyways.

Not sure what is it.

She questions where I go, and why I bring you around with me.

I still write, but I menly tell her a lie.

I lie to her, I claim I have horrible memory and must write my memories.

I think she believes me, but I am not sure.

I am struggling, so busy.

But I explain my work, removing undead and making places safe.

She, I think she suspects me.

Anyways, I will sleep nw.

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