Day 31

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Breakfast with boys, then with the human.

She seems to be doing better.

She is, choherent.

I told the story of saving her, and it looked like she belived me.

Good, very good.

For now, she is kept safe and within her room.

She wont move around so much.

Need to hide the undead.

Hide them, I did.

Her friends been moved to an upper floor. 3rd floor somewhere.

My boys, have also been moved to the third floor.

For now, I must focus on the human.

I have talked with her, until she slumbers.

Luckily I still have time to do my things.

But first I must write what ihave learned.

Her name is Sophia.

She was a car mechanic.

An interesting job choice, but one I am sure she exceled at.

She is in her early twentys.

She was wit the group as her brother had been with them.

They were, gansters?

Something like that anyways.

She is, so very sad.

She weeps for her family, and her friends.

I wont tell her about her friends, that would be, impolite.

Though, I did explain I found her among undead.

She was confused, but I assured her I did not kill them.

They left her alone, perhaps because she was going to die?

She is thankful for me, and I am thankful for her company.

But, she will be putting a damper on things.

Must be more secretive now.

Day, or night 17 of the experiment.

Group one, starvation is still doing horrible.

Group 2 and 3, light and dark are fine.

Group 4 on the other hand, I believe I can see insects within the water and on their skin.

I wonder if they are inside them?

Wel, no matter.

Things happened and things occurred.

Back home now anyways.

I need sleep, haven't slept for a while I think.

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