day 15

1 0 0

I ate breakfast, then fully examined my body.

I looked for signs of decay.

I think, I am ok.

I need to look for medical books.

Checked my photo to the mirror, I am still me.

I wonder, will I decompoase?

I think, I may.

Not sure.

Do I breath?

Need to run self tests.

So, I will do my usual.

Contacted GasStation, they are fine.

Now to check on my undead.

Group One is okay, haven't been fed for 1 day

Group 2 is okay, no signs of staying in darkness for 1 day.

Group 3 is okay, no signs of staying in direct sunlight for 1 day.

Group 4 is okay, no signs of water doing anything for 1 day.

Will need more time, collecting resurve groups might help?

Anyways, I will be visiting the lone survivors with supplies today.

Hope it goes well.

Visited 5 suriviers.

Left baskets with food, water, and a note.

I will check tomorrow if they leave a response.

If they do, then good.

If not, well.

Then I know a human I can bring in for trials.

Am I, a bad person for thinking such things?

I'm trying to do good, by earning about myself and the undead.

Its for the better good, the world.

Though, I will give it some time.

I will test out more hhypothosis on myself though.

I will clip my nose closed, and hold my breath underwater.

I should be safe.

Ok, counted. Now I will be using a stop watch.

Huh, I don't really need to breath.

Didn't expect that. I should be fine.

But I wonder why, I don't need to breath.

Perhaps my circulatory system is different then it once was?

I forgot, I need a medical book.

Gonna go look for some, then grab an undead and experiment a bit.

Ok, a bit late at night but I will still experiment.

Got a medical text book.

Time to, well. Time to examin the undead.

And I have relized, I know nothing about dead bodies.

Parts of the skin have blackened, cutting different parts of the body doesn't lead to bleeding.

Body seems to be at a slower pace of decay then expected, haven't found any insects or signs of them.

That is strange, I expected there to be something.

Limbs seem to have weakend, but it is primarily the skin which has decompoased.

Upon checking the different limbs, I have found the feet seem to have decompoased the most.

Perhaps because it wonders or stands upright so much?

I am unsure, but I have a few ideas.

It still moved a bit during my examination.

I will try out different ideas.

I removed the teeth and fingers of the undead, and it looks quite pitafal.

I wonder how the virus spread.

Perhaps bite, since it seems to be how I turned.

Need to run more tests.

I wonder, should I eat his flesh?

It smells bad.

Yeah, no.

Not worth it.

Gonna leave the undead in my bathroom, see if other undead will eat his fingers.



Ok, tried to feed em.

They didn't eat his fingers.

Guess they don't like, infected flesh?

Weird, but ok.

So I decided to do something else, I put the flesh into a stew.

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