day 4

1 0 0

No dreams.

Ate breakfast, checked the mirror. Still me.

I checked the wakie takies

Issue, they need batteries.

I have none

Time to go on another shopping run!

Back from the store.

I saw another group of survivors.

They are roaming around in a truck.

They all wear gas masks.

New group, Gas Masks
-have what appears to be crossbows and bows

-travel by truck(Where they have gas?)

-why gas masks?(afraid of infection. Airborn?)

-three people, not sure about gender.

Got to the store though without any issue, this time I stocked up on more

-batteries(all kinds)


-duct tape




-face masks

All in all, I think a successful trip. I will be using the face mask when I drop off the wakie talkie.

I made sure to cover up in layers, before I went to the gast statio.

I gave them the wakie talie in a rather crude way

I knocked on the back dor and left the device.

When I got back home I contacted the group with my own walkie.

I explained that I was hiding out in my apartment, and we chatted about the outbrake.

They have no clue what happened.

They think I am a surviver

That's good, very good.

They still have food, and are staying safe.

It's good, very good.

I chatted a bit more.

Well, I mostly listened

They are nice, but I had to be vague and evaisive.

I hope they don't suspect anything

But even if they did, could they even do anything?

No matter, I passed the time doing more puzzles and gluing them together.

It was fun

I'm boared

I think I will shut in and sleep.

Goodnight little book.

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