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Once I was inside my flat, I turned the lights on and threw my bag on the couch as I always did. I went to open the windows in my bedroom. I pulled the curtain aside and when I was about to open the window I saw Alan's car was still outside the building.

"Why hasn't he left yet?"

I stood there for some time waiting for him to walk out of the car but he didn't. I quickly walked out of the flat towards downstairs but when I reached outside he was already gone.


A year went by quickly in that office and working with Alan felt much easier than with the bosses I had worked for. It was easier because he was very soft with me. He would care for every little thing. If I were sick he would ask me to take a leave. Even when I seemed tired he would tell me I could leave. Some days I didn't like how he seemed caring and some days I would think why he cared.

The cute thing was that every time I would look at him when he arrived in the morning, he would think I wanted to speak to him. He would slightly lift his head along with his brows asking me to speak. Sometimes I would ask and sometimes I would shake my head letting him know I wasn't about to say anything.

I started to have a crush on him. I won't lie but I liked his face and his behaviour toward me. I appreciated everyone being friendly and soft with me and Alan must be the only person to date who was genuinely nice to me. Or so I felt.

I liked looking at him and feeling his eyes on me when I wasn't looking at him. I would stare at his face now and then while we were together even though I knew he was aware of it. To be honest he was really cute. The way he talked was what I liked most about him. His sweet voice and soft smile.

While on a lunch break, Mausam was telling me about how work was going on on the fourth floor. Nimek was still the same, rude and arrogant. Now that I had left, another girl in the office was on his target.

"He shouts at her all the time and guess what?" she said with a smile.


"She talked back leaving him in shock,"

"No way," I laughed with an expression that said I couldn't believe it.

"He got even angrier and I think she was about to resign right there when Alan walked in,"

After that she paused but I wanted to know more.


"Then he took Nimek out of the office and asked the girl to resume her work,"

"Why was he angry though?"

"Same with what happened to you," she said.

I shook my head.

"Other than that Roji always gawks at him as if he is a meal,"


"No, Alan. I told you before she has a crush on him,"

"Wow," I said with a mouth full of Momo.

"Every time he enters the room she is like...." she paused, taking a bite. "I wonder what her husband looks like. She is more of an I like handsome guy person kind of a woman always gawking at Alan,"

"But she can't have him," I shrugged.

Mausam laughed.

"How is he like with you?" She stopped eating and stared at me.

"He is sweet and very soft,"

"You are so lucky,"

"He is serious with work but he doesn't shout or get angry if I make a mistake. He smiles and asks me to be careful,"

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