He didn't said anything just Hummed in response and kissed my neck , biting it.. numbling my skin while I arched my back, he kissed my throat.

suddenly door creek open ,lisa walk in focused on document in her ,without looking up making both of us separate from eachother.

Jungkook cursed loudly while fixing his coat and I straighten my own blazer. Thank God, i didn't have lipstick on or else it must have smudge. Why on the earth I allowed lisa to came in without knocking. Jungkook walk behind desk to hide something which is obviously visible.

She look up and seen our messed up state and blushed" miss mun , this is the file you asked for and I'm sorry, i should have knock" she completed her sentence placing file on desk and walk out without sparing second glance at jungkook who look like he could murder her right away.

I clear my throat " jungkook " I try to say but but he cut me off " um I- I should just go, Don't leave without me, we'll go home together" he said with a tint of pink in his cheeks and walk out almost embarrassed " cute"

I start jumping , screaming in happiness, grinning like teenager after he left and touched my lips which have taste of his lips and lick it.

I sat on my chair swirling it around like kids, hurting my leg in process , closed my eyes as a sigh left my mouth " I'm going crazy" mumble to myself and open file burying blushing face on it..

In evening

I crumbled page again and threw it, ahh this one is also not my type. This is the nth time I'm making the same design and throwing my hours of hardwork in trash can.

last minutes meeting came up and jungkook had gone to attend and still didn't return, meeting should be finished by now. I look at time 9:20. I didn't had dinner and this coconut head is not coming, I'm hungry.

I pick up my phone and dialed his number not caring if I'm disturbing him. Within two ring , he pick up.

"I'm just here, only 10 minutes more" he said fastly before I can question making me smile but nahh, I'm not leaving him without teasing.

"Have you seen the time , it's 9:30 already and meeting finished at 9:00, jungkook what the hell you are doing ?" I asked in serious voice , inside I'm laughing by image of his face.

"Love , it's 9: 20, you are extending 10 minutes, and I'm on the way, wait a little more." he said with Chuckle, oh so he is not falling for my trick.

"I'm missing you" I Said even without realizing that why i said something like this ..there is long pause from his side.

"I'm here " his voice can be hear from upstairs, I ended the call and almost run upstairs in living room with smile.

"I missed you too" he said with a smile adoring his lips and hugged me. I liked jungkook's presence from start but I'm loving it now.. it's so soothing.

"Now shall we have dinner, you missed me just because you are hungry right ?" he asked raising his eyebrow. He know me well.

I chuckle " yes, just because I'm hungry and I can't eat without you" I Said with shurg and he have a disbelief look on his face that I didn't denied the fact I missed him because food not because I really missed him.

I started walking toward kitchen while he went in room to freshen up , not before mumbling "miss rude" making me chuckle at his nickname.

15 minutes later..

I served jungkook hot black bean noodles with some other side dishes.

"You cooked?" He asked and eyed food curiously, he is going to have phobia of my food. I should quite cooking.

"I ordered " I replied and then he picked chopsticks happily .

"Here you go" he said and bring chopsticks near my mouth, I look at him with questioning gaze.

"I made you wait so it will be fair if I feed you" he said with shurg bring it more close to my mouth. I open my mouth and eat it with a smile.

"Now you can eat yourself, you are not a baby " he said both things himself and continued to eat his dinner making me smile , he don't know how much he make me happy with these small gestures.

"Here eat more , you worked hard today" I Said and placed more food in his bowl and continues with my food.

After dinner, we settled with sweets , he almost finished his pudding, humming happily licking last spoon.

"Add fingers and then lick it slowly" I said making it sexual.

It take him some time to understand but when he did,he start chocking on air making me laugh. I think he need some more time to adjust my sex jokes.

Another happy day went peacefully, I hope everything is perfect now with him being my side.

Somewhere in Seoul

Namjoon is leaning on his balcony , staring at night sky. Jin came out and wrap his arms around his husband.

"What are you thinking joon? You look tense." He commented pressing his face on Namjoon back. Namjoon smile .

"Y/n" Namjoon replied honestly making jin alert. He pulled away slowly and rubbed Namjoon arm in understanding.

"If you are that worried then tell her the truth" jin advised hoping this time Namjoon will listen to him.

"I can't and you know that" Namjoon replied sadly making jin angry" then why are you thinking about her, forget the secret you keeping ,stop worrying yourself and me, it's enough now" he exclaimed.

"Sorry jinie" Namjoon apologies and hugged jin , jin hugged back and said" I love you, don't be sad"

"I love you too" Namjoon replied with a big smile.

Namjoon can't reveal the secret which he is hiding or it will bring Strom.


A/n- you guys have seen y/n and jungkook cute as well as hot scene in this chapter. I hope you like it.

Y/n is me, making everything sexual hehe.

What Namjoon is hiding from y/n?

Tell me when is your birthday?

Alots of secrets still......untold


Beginners are many
But finishers are

To be continue.......

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