No one but Mcgonagall, Damon and Jade, knew who they were talking to. Mcgonagall was looking at the screen in shock, anger and horror, hoping it wasn't what she thought it was, hoping that they weren't talking to who she thought they were. Damon's jaw was clenched tight in rage at their words. How dare they call her that? How dare they treat his daughter as if she were some slave? If they weren't already dead, he would have prolonged their torture for years on end. 

The scene then turned to the kitchen where a little girl could be seen handling kitchen suppliances that should not be touched by someone even double her age. 

"I'm nearly done Aunt Tunia," The little girl's voice came from where she was standing on a stool and picking up food from a piping hot pan to put in the plates as the woman entered the kitchen.

"What kind of monsters would use a young girl like that in the kitchen? She's using a stove for God's sake, even I don't know how to use one and I'm 18," Caroline shouted angrily from where she was sitting next to the Malfoys.

"I for once agree with you. That's honestly just inhumane. She could hurt herself for God's sake," Katherine said glaring at the screen. Ok she could be heartless at times but not that heartless, if she had had her daughter she would have spoiled her rotten, and yet these people who call themselves humans are behaving more inhumane than her and she's not even one herself. 

(There will be mentions of verbal and physical abuse ahead, not that much in this chapter, but I don't want it to be a trigger for anyone so if it will be, please only read ahead if you're 100% sure you'll be fine)

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" The woman asked angrily slapping her upside the head harshly despite the fact that little girl was handling a boiling hot saucepan.

"Oh my God! What is wrong with her?!" Jeremy asked wide-eyed.

"She could have spilt the oil all over herself. God, I am going to kill that bitch," Rebekah said shocked and angered at how they were treating the poor girl.

"I'm sorry," The girl said with her head down, they still hadn't seen her face yet only her hair, which were long, blonde-brown, and curly. The woman just harrumphed at her apology before leaving the living room to fetch something she needed. The other two just carried on watching the TV before they noticed the baby walrus looking at the girl. As his dad carried on watching, he got out of his seat and walked to where she was standing. 

"Where are my pancakes freak?" He asked as she switched off the stove and turned to him.

"I'm going to bring them now Dudley," She said to him.

"I hate that she answers to that word. How long would they have used it?" Bonnie asked shaking her head at how horrible they were treating her, it was literal child abuse.

"I don't know. I just can't believe someone could treat someone this horribly, especially a kid. Wait, since we're watching about your life, is that girl someone you know or something?" Stefan asked as he looked at his niece behind him who was still encased within her father's arms. Jade didn't respond to him so Damon just shook his head to tell him not to ask. The others were confused still as they wondered who the girl was, even the smartest ones haven't connected the dots, choosing to believe that Jade had always stayed with Damon, this couldn't possibly be her, the hair resemblance was just a coincidence.

They then watched as just when she was about to get off the stool, it was all of a sudden kicked out from under her. She tried to grab on to something but instead of her hands meeting the counter, they met the pan still filled with hot oil.

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