I turn my head away from him as he bends forward, inching closer and closer to me until I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

'I'm not ready,' my mind is telling me no but my body is speaking for itself right now.

"August," he gently caresses my face. I melt into his touch by leaning my cheek into his palm.

I'm not ready for this. I know I'm not, there's still so much I don't know about homosexuality. I can't just jump right into having sex. I mean I know the basics of gay sex but there has to be so much more to it, I just don't think I'm ready.

Just when I think that I'll be devoured, James whispers," A shower would be good."


"After sitting in the car all day, a shower would be nice," he says again, making my heart sink

"A shower...?"

He finally gets off me and begins taking off his shirt. I unravel myself from the covers and sit up,"...... Together!"

He pulls his shirt from over his head, revealing his muscular chest as his hair gently falls over his eyes," Only if you want too."

Gibberish comes out of my mouth as my eyes scan over his body. Never in my life have I been attracted to a man until now. These feelings are so stressful. 'I know I'm not a homosexual so why do I feel the need to want him?! '

"August?" He waves his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Um yeah. Sure let's do it!"

"But you go in first!" I quickly add.

"Already then, see you in there," he heads off into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Soon as I hear the water running, I fall back into the bed and try to suffocate myself with a pillow. 'Why why why!!!!!! Why do I have to be so fucking embarrassing!!! Just be normal, fuck!'

After a failed attempt of ridding myself from this world, I finally gain my composure. I strip myself from my clothes, placing them neatly on the bed before I head into the bathroom.

The room is steamy, he's already been in here for about five minutes, probably wondering where I am. As I close the door, he suddenly calls out," Took you long enough, come in."

I bite my lip, regretting ever agreeing to do this. This isn't right, I know it isn't. Two men aren't supposed to share a small shower together like this!

I want to leave, just tell him this was a mistake and never speak about it again. However my feet won't move an inch. I'm getting that feeling again where my mind is telling me no but my body is telling me, hell yes.

'Fuck I'm doing it again, overthinking. I can't have him waiting any longer, I've already told him I'd join him so there's no need for the delay! '

My feet walks over the cold tiles until I'm right by the shower, slowly opening it with my eyes closed.

"What are you doing?" I hear him say.

"Don't look at me please."

"But why? I can see you right now."

"I know but I'd rather not make eye contact while we're both naked."

"Are you serious?"

"James please."

He sighs," Alright, I'm facing away from you then."

I pull my index finger away from my ring finger to reveal my eye, seeing that he actually is facing away. Once I can confirm this, I step into the shower. James's body keeps the water from hitting me as he stands in front of me, stark naked. My eyes admire his broad shoulders, they make him look very strong up front. While below his waist is somewhat thin, giving him a sexy V-shape figure.

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