(Not the) End

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(Revisions made)

2nd Person POV
You call out to Astrid as you approach her. She turns to you and smiles as she gestures you over to her where she's sitting on the grass.  You plop down next to her and lie on the grass mentally and physically exhausted as you wait for everyone to return.

As soon as Stoick and the rest of Berk had returned, you rushed to get his attention before he left again.

"Stoick!" You called out to him. "Ah, Y/n, what is it," he turns to you. "Would it be alright for me to set the remaining dragons in the arena free? I won't let them attack anyone," you look up hopeful. Stoick looks at you and smiles slightly before nodding. "Yes. Yes. Go on now."

Stoick had the majority of the Berkians return to their huts, but you had Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins, and of course, Astrid stay behind.

You turned to your "team" and had them grab their dragons. You asked if they had picked out names for their dragons to which they responded giddily.

Astrid named the Nadder Stormfly. Fishlegs had decided on Meatlug for his Gronckle. And Snotlout went with Hookfang for the Monstrous Nightmare. Easy enough, however, the twins were arguing about which name to go with.

"Belch is obviously the name of it! It belches and its mouth starts sparking which lights the gas and makes it EXPLODE! So awesome." Tuffnut says. Ruffnut shoved him aside before looking at you. "No, I thought we agreed on Barf! They puke up the gas and make it explode. Why don't we ask Y/n,"

"Ok. Um both valid arguments but how about this," you point to the head with the large back teeth, "Barf," you say before pointing to the head with large front teeth, "and Belch." They were satisfied with your answer but continued to bicker anyway.

You stopped their bickering by having them figure out where to keep their dragons for the night. "Why? I thought we were gonna start riding now or something," Snotlout said. "I think we've all had a long day and we have more long days on the way so let's get some rest," you reply.

After you all decided it was a bad idea to have them sleep in their huts you send them away, but have them leave their dragons with you. You had concluded that the dragons would stay where Onyx and Toothless have been staying.

You have them all follow you and Onyx as you fly to the cove. Once settled Onyx and the others wander the cove Onyx paws at the water before hissing at the fish that escaped her grasp. You laugh before turning back to the other dragons.

"You guys will stay here tonight. Onyx and I will be back tomorrow," you say as you give a couple of them head pats. You situate yourself on top of Onyx before flying back to the village.

You head for the arena and keep Onyx by your side as you head to one of the gates. "Mind giving me a hand Nyx?" You ask. She growls happily and helps you open each of the doors and helps raise the chain cage to release them. They looked at the two of you curiously but after some wild gesturing from the two of you they flew away, thankfully leaving the village alone.

Finally, you could go home... wait... where was home now? You couldn't stay with the Hoffersons anymore. You did not feel safe there. You loved your mom and your sister, but you definitely didn't want to stay in a house with Fergeson.

Born a Dragon Rider (hiccup x f! reader)Where stories live. Discover now