How to Meet your Dragon

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Above is the link to a Spotify playlist (not made by me) to listen to whilst reading these

The Cove
2nd Person POV

You ran into the cove with tears running down your face as your 'father's' words echoed through  your head. Monster. Thing. Not my daughter.

"Onyx? Nyx!" You called out. You couldn't control your breathing and your heart was racing. She ran up to you while roaring out.

She wanted to know where her brother was. "We're going to get your brother then we're outta here." You said before reaching in her saddlebag and pulling out the small familiar dagger.

The first thing Hiccup had ever made. You wiped your slightly puffy eyes. What about Hiccup? Something in the back of your mind said. You closed it out and stuffed the dagger back inside the bag.

We'll get Toothless and then we'll take Hiccup with us... we'll be on the run for the rest of our lives... and Hiccup will miss his dad... but we'll be together. We'll be happy and together and safe.

"Let's go Nyx." Your e/c eyes grew dull despite the glassiness of the tears pooling in them. You hopped on Onyx and flew off. You gripped onto her saddle till your knuckles turned white.

Onyx was about to go full speed to the Red Death's island, but she stopped so fast your face hit her forehead. She knew that running wouldn't solve the problem.

There had to be another way she thought. She roared up at you. "No, we can't." You grumbled.

She snorted at you. You grunted, "we can't!" You protested but she just growled some more. She had learned during her time with the two of you Hiccup probably had a plan.

You pulled her saddle up. "Fine." You say reluctantly. "Head to the arena. I've known that muttonhead longer than you have I know what he's planning." She growls and flies as stealthily as she can to the arena.

Of course not without being spotted by Astrid first.

At the dock
3rd Person POV

Astrid saw Onyx's large figure lurking through the clouds high above her and assumed that her sister had a plan. She spotted Hiccup staring at where Toothless was harnessed right in the center of one of the boats.

Toothless growled at the Vikings surrounding him. A large wooden collar that prevented his movement was placed around his neck as he thrashed back and forth. Toothless was being chained from head to tail before being lowered onto a boat.

She walked over to Hiccup as the boats slowly began to sail away. "Set sail! We head for Helheim's Gate." Stoick shouts. "Lead us home, Devil." He says to the Night Fury.

"It's a mess. You must feel horrible. You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friends. You almost got Y/n killed..." Astrid says in a strangely calm tone. Hiccup's head darted up at the last sentence.

His slightly concerned face quickly turned to one of mild annoyance. "Thank you for summing that up." He deadpanned. Astrid rolls her eyes at his comment.

Born a Dragon Rider (hiccup x f! reader)Where stories live. Discover now