Two Furies

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2nd POV :3<3
You had black yak skin pants with a grayish-blue skirt that went down to mid-thigh. You had silver shoulder pads held together by thin leather straps with a silvery iron ring in the middle. Your shirt was army green and had black sleeves. Your H/L H/C hair had black streaks running through it and it was pulled up out of your eyes by an F/C headband, and a tan satchel was thrown over your shoulder.

 Your H/L H/C hair had black streaks running through it and it was pulled up out of your eyes by an F/C headband, and a tan satchel was thrown over your shoulder

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(JIK you wanted to know what you looked like change whatever except hair and satchel cuz those are the only things that have something to do with the story lol)

You walk home with Astrid at your side as you talk. "I don't know if you should keep hanging out with Hiccup." She pauses, "You could have gotten really hurt this time!" She gives you a worried look. "Okay, but I didn't get hurt. Look at me! I'm fine see?" You twirl and she laughs. "Okay okay just stay out of trouble!" She tries to look serious but ends up a laughing mess.

You walk in the house together being greeted by hugs from your parents. "Mom, Dad everyone is gathering in the Great Hall for a meeting, Chief's orders." You said, separating from your mother's arms. You wave to your father as he walks out. "I'm gonna go practice my ax throwing!" Astrid gives you a smile before walking out the door.

"Mom?" You speak up. "Yes, sweetheart?" She smiles at you. "I'm gonna go walk around... I promise to stay out of trouble!" Your mother laughs and replies "You can go find Hiccup. Keep him out of trouble. I'll tell your father that you headed to Gothi's hut." "Thanks, Mom!" You both walk out the door together before sharing one final hug and going your separate ways.

Cut to Stoick and the Other Vikings at the meeting 3rd person POV

Stoick stands near Gobber looking over his people. "Either we finish them, or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them! If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. They'll find another home! One more search. Before the ice sets in." His brows were furrowed as he stared at a map driving a dagger through a corner covered in clouds and dragons.

"Those ships never come back." One Viking whined as others nodded. "We're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard! Now, who's with me?" Stoick speaks out throwing his hands up before slamming them back on the table.

The room stays silent for a moment before uncertain mumbling is heard around the room. "Alright. Those who stay will look after Hiccup." Stoick says with a sigh. Many raise their hands in agreement. A scruffy-looking man who looks vaguely like Snotlout throws his hands in the air and yells "I'm with you, Stoick!" Other Vikings yell "To the ships!"

"That's more like it," Stoick says with a grin as the room empties leaving just him, Gobber, and a couple of stragglers.

"Right, I'll pack my undies," Gobber says taking a swig from his hand cup. "No, I need you to stay and train some new recruits," Stoick says with a stern look. "Oh, perfect. And while I'm busy, Hiccup and Y/n can cover the stall. Molten steel, razor-sharp blades, lots of time to themselves and their crazy ideas... what could possibly go wrong?" Gobber rolls his eyes.

Born a Dragon Rider (hiccup x f! reader)Where stories live. Discover now