The Red Death Act Two

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Dragon Island
2nd Person POV

"They're up!" Astrid shouts to her dragon rider team who seemed to be in shambles. The twins were god knows where, Fishlegs was trying to get the Gronckle in the air and away from the Red Death's feet, and Snotlout was hanging on the dragon's frill.

"Get Snotlout out of there!" Astrid says urgently to the twins' right as they show up before flying off. "I'm on it," Ruff says. "I'm on it first!" Tuff replies as they bicker. Somehow their dragon understood the command better than the twins and heads for Snotlout.

Snotlout hears their bickering and runs down the forehead and snout of the Red Death before jumping and being caught by the Zippleback and the twins.

"HA! I can't believe that worked!" Tuffnut says in amusement. The grey-green dragon began snarling and gurgling. It turns its head to see Astrid and inhales with its mouth wide open.

The wind gusting into its gaping mouth began sucking her and the Nadder. She leans forward to urge the Nadder to fly faster, and try as it might it couldn't escape.

Right before the dragon had gotten them in its clutches high pitched shrilling noises can be heard. "Night Furies!" Various Vikings scream. "Get down!" Gobber shouts.

The four of you dove down when you saw Astrid. You flew above to get a clean shot at its face while Hiccup and Toothless stayed below to catch Astrid as well as get a shot in himself.

Two shots. One straight to its mouth and one square in its face. One after the other. This distracted the dragon enough and stopped its inhalation of Astrid.

Unfortunately, this made Astrid lose grip of her rope and go flying off the Nadder. She began screaming bloody murder as she fell and flipped and fell some more.

Right before she hit the ground because Toothless had to cut it close, Astrid was caught by one leg by Toothless. "Did ya get her?" Hiccup asks. Toothless looks down just to check to see a blond girl smiling back at him. He responds with a wide gummy grin.

They fly closer to the ground and flip Astrid right side up before dropping her off. She is met by her mom and is hugged before being asked if she's ok.

Her father, on the other hand, is staring at a certain girl in the sky on the back of a Night Fury flying high above the head of the Red Death. Hiccup and Toothless meet back up with you. "That thing has wings!" Hiccup exclaims. "Alright! Ready to see if it can use them?" You ask Hiccup and the Furies.

You all dive side by side heading straight for the Red Death. Right before you bulldoze it the Night Furies fire. The shots knock the dragon off its feet from the impact. It roars and groans in agony as its head and tail thrash about.

Its body heaves as its wings begin to spread out wide. "Ya think that did it?" Hiccup questions. "Well," you say. The beast stands back up on its feet. "Well, what?" Hiccup glances at you. It takes on and makes chase as its screaming roar fills your ears.

"Well, it can fly! Go! Nyx go! Quickly, please!" You shout. The four of you steer around the sea stacks as the Red death flies straight through them. As you fly by the gravelly beach the Vikings that haven't ran to the opposing side of the beach and your friends are cheering you on.

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