A New Friend

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3rd person POV

A small fleet of ships sail through thick fog. One of the ships carried none other than Stoick the Vast. "I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady." He pauses. "Take us in." As a Viking hears him he shouts out to the crew. "Hard to port, for Helheim's gate!" Stoick continues to give orders as they seem to disappear into the fog.

Back with you! 2nd Person POV

You and Hiccup had slept on near the fireplace with small blankets. You woke up earlier than him and quickly got ready before waking him up.

Gobber met you at the gate, so you and Hiccup offered to help set up. After setting up for dragon training a labyrinth of wooden walls were around the arena.

You could almost hear all of Hiccup's questions as you waited for the other teens to arrive.

Today's dragon was the Deadly Nadder. They are light, quick on their feet, can shoot spines from their tail, and have a hot burning magnesium blast.

Everyone was sneaking around trying to avoid the Nadder's line of sight... except for you and Hiccup.

You held your shield in one hand and your dragon dagger in the other as you stood near Hiccup until he was done talking to Gobber. Which you thought was dumb because you knew if they found the Night Furies the whole village might as well be dead.

"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?" Hiccup stared up at Gobber. You roll your eyes before pushing him out of the way as the Nadder shoots its bright white fire at the two of you.

"Whoa!" Hiccup stumbles as you lift your shield again as he just looks back to Gobber. "Focus, Hiccup! You're not even trying!" Gobber yells at Hiccup before returning to look at the rest of the teens. "Today is all about ATTACK! Nadders are quick and light on their feet! Your job is to be quicker and lighter!"

Fishlegs runs around the wooden walls as the Nadder shoots its tail spines at him. "AAAAAH! I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" He looks at Gobber before hiding from the dragon once more.

"Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike!" Gobber looked into the arena with a bored expression on his face.

The twins stand in front of the Nadder as they had found its blind spot. The standoff was seemingly peaceful until the two teens began bickering.

"Ugh! Do you ever bathe?" Ruffnut stares in disgust at her twin. "If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot!" Tuffnut turns to her and glares. "How about I give you one?!" They butt heads as they seem to growl at each other.

The Nadder hears them as it sniffs in front of itself and fires. The twins respond by running. Gobber rolls his eyes at their stupidity. "Blindspot, yes. Deaf spot? Not so much. Heh, heh, heh."

Hiccup stands facing Gobber with both his arms falling limp beside him. "Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?" You huff as you join Astrid and crouch behind your shield.

"No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale," Gobber responds as he loses his patience. "NOW, GET IN THERE!" Hiccup begins to lower his head before responding. "I know, I know, but hypothetically--"

Born a Dragon Rider (hiccup x f! reader)Where stories live. Discover now