The Red Death Act One

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Dragon Island
3rd Person POV

Every weapon from every boat had been set up on the rocky coastline of the large island. Catapults were manned by large Viking men and women. All of them were glaring at the large volcanic mountain at the center of the island.

"When we crack this mountain open, all hel is going to break loose," Stoick called out to the horde of battle-ready Vikings.

Gobber gives him a concerned look. "In my undies! Good thing I brought extras!" He says as Stoick rolls his eyes at his friend's comment.

Stoick walks ahead of the rest of the Vikings as they wait for the signal to fire. "No matter how this ends, it ends today." He waves his hand and catapults are triggered, laughing large boulders into the mountain.

With every blow the mountain quakes until a large amount of the mountain's wall crumbles, forming a large hole in the volcano's side.

Stoick makes his way up to the hole and peers inside. He gestures to fire again with his hammer and a flaming ball of hay-covered rock is thrown over Stoick and into the cave.

The light from the projectile reveals thousands upon thousands of Nightmares, Nadders, Zipplebacks, and Gronckles, and they hiss from the sudden light.

Stoick yells out a battle cry before swinging his hammer around and running into the cave. Dragons spewed out in fear and surprise. Neither of which came from the Vikings they were heading towards.

Stoick stops yelling to stare at the sight above him. The dragons disperse all in one direction. Away. Toothless cowers below them, extremely unhappy that he can't get away.

Gobber stares in suspicion. "Is that it?" He questions no one in particular. "We've done it!" Spitelout calls out in victory, but few participate in his celebration.

Toothless's ears twitch, and he lets out a low growl in his throat as he fights to break his binds away. "This isn't over. Form your ranks! Hold together!" Stoick yells his orders to his concerned troops as the mountain before them begins to crack.

He backs up slowly as an unholy scream-like roar erupts from the mountain. A huge greenish-gray and red dragon bursts from the ground as sparks fly around its body.

"Get clear!" Stoick ordered as he ran to one of the catapults. "Beard of Thor... what is that?" Gobber said as he stared in a combination of fear and awe.

It was the Red Death. A legend and monster among Vikings. A myth told to children to fuel their fear and hatred of dragons. None of them had known the myth was true.

"Odin help us," Stoick said as he continued to run towards Gobber and the others. Stoick's apprehension turns to aggression as he calls to his troops. "Catapults!"

Many of the Vikings run and scream. "Get to the ships!" Many call.

Stoick yells at them in protest. "No! NO!" Very few follow orders and launch the catapults, and the Red Death snaps a catapult in half with its jaws.

The colossal dragon looks to where the Vikings are running and lights their ships on fire. The Vikings that were already on the ship jump overboard.

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