Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    An Yue Xin slowly put the quilt on the bed?, Su Wan'er's face turned redder than before.

    I don't mind, but? My face will be hot, my heart will be "thumping", and it will be... embarrassing.

    Su Wan'er lowered her head slightly, and asked in a low voice: "Ah Xin, where do you want to sleep?"

    An Yuexin raised her eyes to look at Su Wan'er: "I can do it."

    "Then... let's sleep."

    An Yuexin nodded, "Yes " With a cry, she could see the shyness on Su Wan'er's face.

    When? Hearing Su Wan'er say that she doesn't mind two people sleeping on the same bed?, although her face is calm, deep in her heart is turbulent, as if her heart is about to burst, nervous, very nervous.

    Both of them lay down unnaturally, not daring to look into each other's eyes, but looked at each other inadvertently from the corner of their eyes.

    Su Wan'er turned over and looked towards An Yuexin. She was facing away from her, and she moved to the far side of the bed.

    She moved towards An Yuexin slowly and little by little.

    Looking at An Yuexin's back, Su Wan'er asked in a low voice: "Ah Xin, are you asleep?"

    An Yuexin said "Yes".

    "I can't sleep, can you turn around and talk to me?"

    An Yuexin didn't respond.

    Seeing that An Yuexin was motionless, Su Wan'er called again softly: "Ah Xin."

    After a while, An Yuexin turned around slowly, only to see her face flushed, her eyes blurred, and her long eyelashes fluttering slightly. trembling.

    Su Wan'er's heart tightened, she stretched out her hand towards An Yuexin's direction, and lightly touched An Yuexin's cheek with her fingertips, An Yuexin's body froze.

    "Look, I don't have thorns on my body." Su Wan'er looked at An Yuexin very gently, and continued: "So you don't have to stay so far away from me."

    An Yuexin hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that..." The reason why she didn't dare to respond to Su Wan'er was because she didn't want Su Wan'er to see her current appearance.

    "Then move a little over here."

    An Yuexin moved a little towards Su Wan'er.

    "Come here a little more."

    An Yuexin moved a little more, just a little.

    Seeing An Yuexin's reluctance, Su Wan'er was a little displeased and said: "Okay, since you are so afraid of me, I will move aside myself." After speaking, Su Wan'er turned over and moved to the side of the bed the edge.

    An Yuexin stretched out her hand and gently tugged at the corner of Su Wan'er's clothes. Su Wan'er ignored her and moved a little outside.

    An Yuexin tugged at the corner of Su Wan'er's clothes again: "I was wrong." With a slightly coquettish tone.

    Su Wan'er snorted, and moved out again. In an instant, she was about to fall off the bed. An Yue frowned, got up and stretched out her arms nimbly, and put her arms around Su Wan'er's waist, looked down at Su Wan'er and said in a low voice: " Don’t sleep outside like that, you’ll fall off the bed.”

    “Aren’t you afraid of me!” Su Wan’er said angrily.

    An Yue put Su Wan’er gently on the bed?: “I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of myself... ..." An Yue hesitated to speak.

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