Chapter 38: New Routines

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Genbu's Back, Morning...

Jiraiya (Age 3) opened his eyes when he heard his baby brother scream.

He wiggled out of bed and plopped to the ground with his little feet covered in footy pajamas that had a scale design on them.

"What Damian?" He asked as he made his way to the crying fallen angel babe's crib.

Damian (Age 1 ½) babbled as he flailed his arms, crying as he did.

"Nightmare?" Jiraiya asked as he picked Damian up and sat with the babe in his arms.

Damian nodded, wiggling in his older brother's arms as he trembled.

"Damian..." Penemue said as she entered the room and saw the two boys, before she walked up to both of them and picked them up. "Thank you, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya nodded with a smile, gripping onto his step-mom as he held Damian securely.

"I want to teach him walking." Jiraiya said as he was taken into the kitchen and put in a chair while Damian sat in a highchair.

Penemue hummed as she thought about it.

"Okay, but I will be supervising it, alright sweetheart?" Penemue asked, knowing Jiraiya was much more advanced for a child his age, but would still act like a three-year-old.

"Yes." Jiraiya said as he waited patiently for his breakfast.

"Morning." Naruto said as he walked in, barely awake, having been getting ready to meet Rias and Sona in a few days.

"DA!" Damian babbled as he held his chubby arms out for his daddy.

Naruto rubbing his eyes and sat next to his boys, patting both of their heads.

"Hey, squirts." He said with a tired smile.

Jiraiya moved over and sat in Naruto's lap.

Penemue placed a plate of toast with jam on it, grape and strawberry, and Jiraiya took one of them and started eating it with youthful vigor.

Damian, however, was spoon fed his baby food by Naruto, accepting the food.

"Daddy." Kushina (Age 2) shouted as she entered the kitchen and sat on the chair next to him, her rabbit like ears perking up when Naruto patted her head with a chakra arm curtesy of Kurama.

Penemue place a plate of toast, buttered, in front of Kushina and she dug in.

"Jam is better than butter." Jiraiya said rudely as he looked at his sister, his face covered in red and purple jam.

"No, better is better." Kushina replied, only to get laughed, realizing she said 'better' twice instead of 'butter'.

Kushina, her chubby face almost as red as her hair, lunged and tackled Jiraiya out of their father's lap and onto the floor.

"YAY!" Damian cheered as he watched his siblings fighting.

"Alright, that is enough you two." Lucoa said as she entered the kitchen and pulled the two apart. "Don't want to hurt each other to badly, don't we?"

Her eyes partially opened and scary looking.

"Yes, Mommy." Kushina and Jiraiya said in unison, sweat producing from their faces.

Breakfast was finished in relative peace.

After breakfast, and an annoying face scrubbing from Lucoa, Jiraiya and Damian stood inside the hallway with Penemue nearby watching them.

"Okay, hold my hands." Jiraiya said as he took the toddlers hands. "I'll help keep you... bal...bala....bala..."

"Balanced?" Penemue asked.

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