Chapter 14: A Mother's Lacking

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1961, Genbu's Back...

"Okay, how the fuck did you find this place?" Naruto demanded as he glared at Azazel, Baraqiel, and Shemhazai. "And where is your little warmonger friend, Koka-something?"

Azazel laughed.

"Oh, we decided not to inform him of what we were doing. He hates you for ending the war, so it would have been a bad idea if he saw you again." Azazel explained. "And we found you because we did."

Naruto deadpanned.

"That doesn't explain much, but whatever." Naruto shrugged. "So, what do you three want."

"We have a small problem that we believe you could help with." Shemhazai stated respectfully. "If not dealt with, our families and loved ones could die."

Naruto felt his heart clench.

Due to the anger of them finding him and the fact he did not want senseless death.

"Hold on a minute." Azazel stated, making the hand motions for everyone to stop. "Let's relax a bit before we get to the details of why we are here."

Naruto truly hated Azazel, smacking him outside the head with Shemhazai and Baraqiel, making three identical lumps on the Grigori's Governor-General's head.

"What do you have in mind?" Naruto asked as Zest returned after taking the few students that were still on Genbu into the Turtle's shell for hiding, just in case.

Azazel chuckled and pulled out baggie full of small cylindrical papers.

An hour later...

The small room was full of smoke as Zest, Naruto, and the three Fallen smoked the weed, all feeling relaxed and loose.

Zest was sitting in Naruto's lap as they shared a joint.

The tailed beasts even enjoyed the high as they eased into it and were mellow, more mellow than they have been in a long time.

"So," Naruto lulled as he handed Zest the joint and glanced at Azazel. "What did you want?"

Azazel exhaled his hit and looked at the two lovers.

"You remember Samael?" He asked before he coughed.

"Yeah, he turned into a dragon and slaughtered a bunch." Naruto replied, getting a confused look. "I am on good terms with the dragons, so I heard this from them. But holy hell, how could you let that bastard live?"

"We couldn't kill him." Baraqiel interrupted. "He became to strong and so we could only seal him."

"And that is where our problem lies." Shemhazai coughed out before he drank some water. "We sealed him, but this is temporary. Anyone with enough intelligence and patients could break the seal."

"Let me guess, you want me to either enhance the seal, or kill the bastard?" Naruto asked as he cuddled with Zest, fully enjoying the enhanced sense of touch, smell, and taste he was feeling.

"If you can, but yes that is what we wanted you to do." Azazel replied as he took another hit.

"I can do one better, but you fuckers owe me a favor." Naruto stated as he looked at Azazel.

"Alright, we will."

"No, written contract. I don't trust you as far as I could throw you." Naruto stated as he got up, Zest trying to pull him back to sit down, and looked for a piece of paper and pen. "And I can throw you pretty far."

After several minutes, Azazel, Baraqiel, and Shemhazai signed the contract.

"Alright, now lead me to the big bad angel-dragon." Naruto slurred as he wanted to get this over with.

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