Chapter 9: Cold Exam

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Next Morning, breakfast...

Naruto and Zest watched as Jack, wearing one of Zest's old shirts that had been modified to fit her, eat her breakfast with an intense passion.

"Slow down Jack, you might choke." Zest said as she was concerned for the child.

Jack, whose cheeks were puffed full of food, nodded and chewed what she could and then swallowed it.

'Gross.' Naruto thought with his eye twitching a bit.

'I wouldn't bitch Naruto. You did the same thing with ramen.' Kurama said with a laugh. 'What am I saying, you still do.'

Naruto could hear his tenants laughing at him and decided to ignore them.

"So, Jack, do you remember your parents?" Naruto asked softly as he didn't want to set the child off.

Jack closed her eyes, thinking really hard before slowly opening them and having a sad look on her face.

"I... don't remember anything about them." Jack muttered before she touched her chest. "I was born this way. My knives with me since birth. I can't explain it, but my first memory is just waking up in a tight compressed space, scared, and I used my knives to cut my way out, and then I crawled out of the woman I was in, covered in blood. That was a few years ago though."

Naruto and Zest shivered a bit.

'I need to call Gabriel now.' Naruto thought as he stood up and patted Jack's head.

"Don't worry Jack, we will protect you." Naruto said as he ran his hand through Jack's white locks.

"Does... that mean you're my daddy?" Jack asked timidly, her bangs covering her eyes.

"No, but Zest wants to be your mommy." Naruto replied as he removed his hand and walked into the other room, leaving Jack with Zest.

"Mommy?" Jack asked slowly as she looked at Zest, hope and want in her eyes.

"Yes, I am willing to be your mommy." Zest replied warmly as she stood next to the child. "But I am also going to be your instructor, so I will have to train you as well."

Jack's lip trembled before she launched herself from her chair and into Zest, who caught her.

"MOMMY!" Jack cried as she held Zest tightly.

Zest sat down, holding her daughter. That word bringing a smile on her face as she comforted Jack.

Naruto watched all this as he made his request to Gabriel.

"Alright, I will be right there with the necessary equipment." Gabriel said through the special communicator she gave Naruto.

"See you soon." Naruto replied before communications were cut.


Naruto reentered the kitchen, expecting the worst, but what he saw was... interesting.

Jack was straddling Zest, whose shirt was torn open, and was sucking on Zest's nipple like a baby.

"What are you doing Jack?" Naruto asked confused.

"Don't Mommies feed their children this way?" Jack asked cutely.

"ONLY WHEN THEY ARE BABIES!" Zest shouted as she pulled Jack off of her.

Ten minutes later...

Jack was sitting still as the medical Angel scanned her body with Zest watching over the procedure while Naruto told Gabriel all that he knew about Jack the Ripper.

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