Chapter 18: Thicker than Water

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Naruto hummed as he slid down the spire he was on, happy to know that Yasaka was pregnant.

His feet hit the ground and he jumped up before landing on his feet, the big smile never leaving his lips.

'I'm going to be a grandfather...' Naruto thought as he walked happily down the mountain, passing the Kage and Jinchuriki statues.

He jumped the last few stairs, landing before Lucoa and Zest, shocking the two women a bit, and Zest soon found herself wrapped in Naruto's arms with him kissing her deeply.

"Naruto?" Zest asked, blushing as Lucoa smirked at them. "Not that I don't appreciate that, but what was that about?"

"We are going to be grandparents." Naruto said as he nuzzled his wife.

"Oh, I could have told you that." Lucoa said as she laughed at the face Naruto made. "What, you never asked."

"Well, who is the one who got her pregnant?" Naruto asked as he released Zest.

Lucoa adopted a confused/deep thought look, her finger touching her lower pouting lip. Lucoa smirked evilly before she became sly.

"It's a secret." Lucoa said before she vanished back to Kyoto.

"Oh, come on!" Naruto shouted as he pouted.

Zest laughed a little at her husband.

"Zest, Naru, I'm hungry." Xenovia shouted as she made her appearance, latching onto Naruto's leg.

"Well, it is time for dinner I suppose." Zest said as she looked at the sky, to see the stars starting to come out as the sun was setting.

Xenovia took Naruto's hand and Zest's hand, smiling up at the adults.

That Night...

"That one, right there," Naruto said as he pointed up at the stars. "Is Polaris, the North Star."

"Polleris?" Xenovia repeated, making Naruto chuckle, not even bothering to correct her.

"Yes, if you are ever lost, always look for Polaris, and that will help you find North." Naruto said as he sat with Xenovia on his lap, once again at his special meditation spire, holding her as they looked at the constellations. "Now, Polaris is connected to the Big Dipper, which makes a segment of Ursa Major, the Great Bear."

Xenovia looked on with big eyes and in awe as she looked at the stars in the clear sky, the Milky Way's beauty for her and Naruto to see.

"I want to go there, one day." Xenovia stated as she held her hands up. "I want to see a star."

Naruto laughed, making Xenovia pout as he did.

"Well, I guess I did dream big too." Naruto said as he gathered his breath.

"Hm?" Xenovia said curiously, her head tilted to the side.

"Oh, nothing, don't mind me." Naruto said as he looked back up, seeing a small meteor shower.

He enjoyed the peace he had now, but deep down, he wished he had better choices.

'But I can't change the past, so no use crying over it.' Naruto thought as he felt Xenovia snuggle into him, getting drowsy. 'Guess it's her bedtime.'

Naruto scooped the child up securely in his arms and took a leap off the spire, falling a few dozen feet before slowing down to float down and into the house he built, taking her to her room, which was right next to Jack's room.

"Good night, Xenovia." Naruto whispered as he tucked her into her bed, kissing her forehead.

Xenovia mumbled in her sleep as she fell into a deeper sleep.

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