Chapter 31: Nun of your Business

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"Naruto, we have come to play!" Serafall called out as she, Lily, and Oscar appeared on Genbu.

"Da..." The twins called out as they wobbled over to their father, nearly falling before Naruto scooped them up.

"Hey, you two." Naruto laughed as he kissed their cheeks. "You been good for your mother?"

"Yes." Lily replied with a giggle before kissing her father back.

"They turned Sirzechs's pants inside out, underwear and all, when he and Grayfia were over last week." Serafall told Naruto as she kissed him, enjoying the contact of their lips together.

"That must have been fun." Naruto said as he put Lily and Oscar down on the couch. "But now its my turn to play with you guys."


Naruto turned around to see Penemue with Damian breastfeeding from his mother and Jiraiya carrying Kushina on his back, the little rabbit girl sleeping against her older brother's back.

"Hey, your brother and sister are here." Naruto said as he stepped aside for Jiraiya to see the Devil twins.

Penemue smiled as Jiraiya carefully made his way over with Kushina and put her down before he tackled the twins.

"They are so full of energy." Penemue said as she pulled Damian off her nipple and burped him. "I wonder where they get it from?"

"Ha, ha, I nearly forgot how to laugh." Naruto replied sarcastically.


Naruto sighed and pulled the fighting children apart.

'I guess this is what it is like being a dad of multiple children.' Naruto thought for the umpteenth time in the last four years.

Meanwhile, Heaven...

Michael leaned into his chair in the vast garden within Heaven.

On his legs, napping, were Joseph and Mary Uzumaki.

His nephew and niece.

"Master Michael."

Said man looked up and saw one of the Flugel children who was born within the last ten years.

The Flugel were made to be as strong as normal angels, but had the capability to use chakra and reproduce without falling so the Angels could flourish.

This young boy's name was Eralo.

"Yes, Eralo?" Michael asked.

"I was wondering, how did we Flugel come to exist?" He asked curiously and respectfully, knowing full well he was talking to the leader of Heaven. "I mean... why do we even exist?"

Michael, many of the older angels, and Flugel parents had been asked similar questions in the past.

"Take a seat young man, and I shall tell you the tale of the Flugel creation." Michael said softly as he held his niece and nephew close. "You see, it all started when a certain man came to Heaven..."


As Michael told the tale, Gabriel walked along the Pearly Gate, taking notes of possible weaknesses and how to fix them as she also recounted this tale to the two young Flugel who were accompanying her.

"So, this man made our ancestors?" One of them asked. "And he is your husband?"

"Yes, he is." Gabriel said fondly as she looked at her ring.

"Besides making us to replenish our forces, why else did he create us?" the second Flugel asked. "I mean, none of us have even left Heaven."

"Yes, Naruto made the Flugel to help us repopulate, but he made your ancestors to be people, to decide what you wanted to do. Yes, helping us keep the non-fighters safe and protect the humans, but everything else is up to you to decide with your futures." Gabriel explained as she looked at the two. "Any more questions?"

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