Chapter 16: Your Side of my Story

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Fujima stirred and grunted in her sleep before her eyes lazily opened.

'Where am I?' She thought as she carefully sat up, not noticing she didn't feel any pain due to being fully healed.

She was in a small room, laying on the bed. Next to it was a desk, dresser, and a closet.

Fujima removed herself from the bed and exited the room, seeing a hall with many other rooms with names on them.

"Oh, you're awake."

Fujima turned and saw Zest, carrying a small handful of laundry.

"Where am I?" Fujima asked confused.

"You are on the Sage Mountain. You did climb Genbu's shell to get here, and you were so tired after Naruto saved you that you have been sleeping for three days." Zest explained with a kind smile.

Fujima's eyes widened.

'Three days...' She thought, before she became puzzled.

"Wait, am I starting training now?" Fujima asked.

"Oh, lord no." Zest explained as she handed Fujima the clothes. "Here, these are for you to wear when you train, but since you are still recovering no training today."

"What?" Fujima asked, her eyes comically became pale white circles as she took the clothing and her ears down, not following anything.

"What my partner is saying, is that today is your day to familiarize yourself with your new home and comrades."

Fujima looked past Zest and saw Naruto, making her step back as she blushed.

"Are you really Naruto? The Golden Sage who ended the Faction war?" Fujima asked with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah, I am." Naruto responded.

"My dad talked about you. His dad, my grandfather, fought in that war and remembered you. He said he thought you were a normal human, but I guess he was wrong." Fujima said in admiration, having loved hearing stories about Naruto from her grandfather and father.

"I see you know about me." Naruto said bashfully.

"Who in the Yokai faction doesn't." Fujima stated with joy. "You are a hero to everyone."

Naruto's heart weighed heavy, but smiled while brushing it off.

"Alright, calm down young one, you need to rest up a bit more, so go back and rest." Naruto said as he motioned for Zest to help with that while Naruto walked out of the Student Quarters.

He made his way to the training grounds, where he watched the few other students he had left.

"Sensei, do we have a new comrade?" Matuba asked. He was a Lion Yokai from Africa, big and muscled, but very kind despite his intimidating looks.

"Yeah, you do." Naruto responded as he sat down. "She won't start until tomorrow so you and Tamaki better treat her right."

"What about me?" Tamaki asked.

Tamaki was a human that was lanky and tall, with short black hair and amethyst eyes. He was a being of extrodinary acceptance as he was Matuba's best friend and came along with Matuba when he decided to travel to Sage Mountain, and the two of them have been training for the last two years.

Although, Tamaki only learned martial arts while Matuba and the other Yokai students did more, but he could hold his own very well.

"Anyway, you two and the new girl will be put through a test tomorrow." Naruto said as he crossed his legs. "I suggest getting to know her and plan, she is on the third floor with Zest."

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