Part 37

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Jungkook's POV
I was looking for her when I saw a figure walking and I immediately got that it was her. Walking with her heels in hand. I ran upto her and turned her around.




Y/n:- "I can never go there."

Jong Dae:- "Ah what you guys-AHHHH AHH AHH"

Y/n's POV
The person who thought of me as a slut came to us and was saying something but I was horrified to see that Jungkook shot him in the stomach. The person fell on the ground groaning.

Jungkook:- "Look at her again and I'll take your eyes out of their sockets."

Y/n:- "Jungkook why did you do that?"

He remained silent and that silence was eating me up cause that person could die any moment.

Y/n:- "Jungkook take him to the hospital or he'll die."

Jungkook:- "I don't care."

I walked to that person to call someone for him.

Jungkook:- "Don't you dare take a step forward or be ready for the aftermath."

Y/n:- "At this moment I care about humanity not you stupid aftermath."

He kept looking at a bush while I stepped forward to get his phone. But what he did next left me shaken up. Without even glancing once at the poor fellow he shot him at the head.

My heart pounding in my chest, my mind had gone blank. There's nothing I can think of at the precise time.

After a few seconds I gathered myself back and spoke.

Y/n:- "You killed him."

Words came out of my mouth as whispers but he heard it.

Jungkook:- "I told you."

I turned around and stood in front of him. Looking him in the eyes. I was mad. Now I've taken enough of him.

Y/n:- "Bastard you killed someone for NOTHING."

Jungkook:- "You better be in your limits. Kneel down and ask forgiveness for cursing me."

Y/n:- "I will not do that."

Jungkook:- "You will if I'll call my men to get your dear friend to my torture center."

Y/n:- "He's not in any of this it's between us."

Jungkook:- "Then kneel down little bird."

I can never put In Yeop in danger just because of my self-conceit. Huffing out a breath. I kneeled down.

Jungkook:- "Keep you head low."

I did what he asked me to.

Y/n:- "I'm sorry this won't happen again."

Jungkook:- "Now get up and start walking to the car."

I stood up and walked towards the car. I want to leave everything and run away but there's no way I can do that. Even if I try to, he will find me.

We sat in the car and he pulled out a cigarette. I can't believe he smokes. He kept that cancer stick on his lips and inhaled the poisonous gas.

I opened the window to let the smoke get off. He was driving while inhaling that injurious smoke and looked at me as I opened the window.

His eyes were cold, full of cruelty. A thing that always confuses me is why he treats me a lot better than he treats others. His behavior changes so briskly that I'm starting to get scared of him.

One moment he's all loving but the other he aggressive and mad. His anger is really bad, I've never seen anyone killing someone for a mere thing.

We got home and I came to my room without saying anything.

I pulled myself out of that stone dress, it was too heavy for me to wear. It was pretty but it was heavy too. I would wear a simple jeans and tee rather than wearing that dress again.

I heard sounds from downstairs those were not loud enough almost equal to mumbles as I was upstairs and the door was locked. I opened the door and stepped outside to see who was there.

I saw his brothers sitting but he was not there so I decided to get down and tell them about those threats. I remember he said he needs to follow the rules. So it may help me.

I got downstairs and sat on the couch.

Jimin:- "Why did you run away like that?"

Y/n:- "Shut up I couldn't stay there."

He squinted his eyes and and pulled up his middle finger.

Y/n:- "Look I'm not in a good mood and I might do something to you."

Jimin:- "Oh really? Let me se-

Yoongi:- "Shut up. Enough."

Y/n:- "He-

Yoongi:- "Shut up."

Yoongi:- "You wanna say something Y/n?"

Y/n:- "I wanted to but now no."

I felt so awkward when he caught me off guard. It felt like he was calling me out like that.

I was coming back to my room when I met Jungkook on the stairs. He looked at me with same cold eyes burning with rage.

Jungkook:- "Don't you dare step downstairs again."

He whispered. Now what's the problem with me being downstairs?

Y/n:- "Why?"

He did not say anything and went away to his brothers. Why everyone here likes to be an asshole?

Two days later
I was sitting in my room reading a book on my phone when my psychologist came home.

He knocked on my door and asked me to get below the decks. I moved down.

So je Yong:- "So today we are going to visit a park nearby."

Y/n:- "We can do the exercises, I'm not going anywhere."

So je Yong:- "This is what depression does but you need to beat it and get out of your comfort zone."

Y/n:- "Huh? Okay Let's go"

He's correct I need to get out so that I can think about other things and get my mind off of those memories.

We came to a park nearby. It was walking distance from my place so I did not say anything but then he asked me if we can go to the amusement park. And I know it's far and I don't trust him. But a voice at the back of my brain said it's just my intrusive thoughts and trust issues. So I shut the voices in my head and decided to give in.

A car came to pick us up. I got inside the car and it started moving.

So je Yong:- "Take this tab it's an anti depressant."

Y/n:- "But this one looks different. It's not the one you gave me last time."

So je Yong:- "You've shown progress so I decided to give you a smaller dose."

I took it from him and took out the tab from the strip and gulped it down with water.

After a while I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy and I saw myself falling into darkness. It was a sleeping p-

After some time
I opened my eyes in an unfamiliar place. I looked around me but nothing was visible clearly as it was a dimly lit room.

A few seconds later I heard foot steps getting nearer and then came in view a man. A man whom I've never seen before.

??:- "Welcome Miss Y/n"


Love you all

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