Part 46

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Y/n's POV
Yong ji:- "Whom did you call a psychopath? Mother fucking bitch."

Y/n:- "Nah correct yourself asshole it's bad bitch."

Yong ji:- "Don't you act too smart."

Y/n:- "I'm not acting smart you're just too dumb Psychotic shit."

When I said this he got more enraged and he hit my head on the table infront. He hit it so badly that I got a small cut on my forehead and it started to bleed.

I squirmed to lift my head up but his grip tightened on my hair. My head started to hurt as he held my hair tightly.

Y/n:- "Leave me."

Yong ji:- "No I'm psychotic shit right?"

He made me sit straight on the chair and left my hair. He motioned towards something, I did not pay attention to it as the pain in head was becoming unbearable. After a few seconds he came back to me with a tray.

Yong ji:- " I don't need you anymore. So you're one of them now."

He pointed towards the boy and the girl. They were now standing there looking at us. The boy looked sad, his eyes were constantly moving from one object to another, like he was telling me something.

The girl stood straight, like a pillar,  looking straight. Her skin was wrinkled from her arms and to her feet but her face and hands looked fine. Looking at her face anyone could say she was young about 25-26 years old.

I was brought back to the real world when Yong ji spoke.

Yong ji:- "Stuff it in your mouth."

I looked down and saw the same snake served to me. The scale less snake. It made me feel disgusted. He was asking me to eat that shit. I am not like those people, emotionless. I can see things and I can take decisions for myself and I will not eat this.

Y/n:- "I will not eat this."

Yong ji:- "You will."

He asked the boy to make me eat. I pursed my lips tightly. The boy motioned towards me and tied a blind fold to my eyes.

He held my face trying to open my mouth when I did not do it he slapped me across my cheek. That stung badly but I was determined.

But the next thing was one of the worst things. Someone injected something in my leg and it caused a lot of pain. I could not take it and groaned whilst the boy or someone shoved that creature down my throat.

I had tears in my eyes and I felt them flowing down. All of a sudden my heart started beating a lot faster than usual. It was pounding in my chest rapidly. It was getting harder for me to breathe normally. There was something in that injection. My body started to ache, I felt the pain down in my leg. I wanted to get free of myself. I wanted my limbs unattached to my body so that I could breathe and feel less pain.

I gulped down the thing in my throat. My throat started to burn like someone has poured acid in me. Tears kept flowing down my eyes. The boy removed the blind fold off my eyes, because of tears everything looked blur. I heard Yong ji laughing.

Yong ji:- "I'm a psychotic maniac?"

Y/n:- "Yes you are."

My voice came out hoarse but as soon as I said this I started to black out like it consumed all of my strength. The last thing I heard that Yong ji asked someone to take me somewhere and then everything went black.

Jungkook's POV
We landed in Moscow and Taehyung got me his locus. He did not even close his eyes for a moment he kept on working the whole time.

I walked out of the airport and saw the SUV waiting for us. I looked at Taehyung and he nodded assuring me that he got this.

We got into the SUV and moved towards the base. The car started moving whilst I dialed to Jimin and added everyone.

On the phone
Jungkook:- "I need you all to bring all your best weapons and bring shotguns, rifles, grenades, pistols, and two-three light machine guns. I need you all to reach here by tomorrow morning. I'll forward you their base map."

Namjoon:- "We are already here. Just get to the base and explain us the plan."

Jungkook:- "What?"

Jimin:- "Taehyung said that he can get it in the flight and asked us to get here. We came here simultaneously, we are still on our way to the base."

Jungkook:- "Alright I'll reach there in a few."

Jungkook:- "Why?"

Taehyung:- "Nothing it's just I wanted her to be back. You're being really anxious. Sorry to say it's getting back."

Jungkook:- "When did you see me being anxious?"

Taehyung:- "I know you Jungkook, I'm your friend too."

I hate this thing about him, he knows me too well.

I entered the base, it's been long since I've visited this place. At the end of the long corridor, we get in the room and I saw everyone sitting in their chairs.

As soon as I stepped in they all stood up in respect.

Jungkook:- "You all can sit."

They all sat in their chairs again and I explained them the plan and gave them all the lab map.

Jungkook:- "That's all for 'Mission 718'. Fighting."

Hosoek hyung and Yoongi hyung will go there first and will find out the place where he has kept her. Then they'll inform us and we all will execute the plan.

We all got into our respective automobiles and Hosoek hyung and Yoongi hyung sneaked inside the place. We waited outside for them to inform.

I just hope that she's fine and that bastard will die a horrifying death.

This place was at the outskirts of Moscow and this place was still hidden. It was not on the maps we use to locate people. It looked like an old abandoned place, it was deep in between trees.

Yoongi's POV
We got inside wearing a lab coat and specs. That's the best thing about being hidden that no one really knows you. It was long and dark hallway having doors on either sides with small see-through glass windows.

Hosoek peeked inside and saw something really devastating. He called me out to see it. There were people inside in each cell and they either looked dread or were tied with chains. One of them had a protector on his mouth just like we use for deadly creatures.

After watching that horrible image, I'm worried about Y/n, more than that I'm perturbed about Jungkook. If something happens to her Jungkook can destroy the whole world. He will not see whom he's killing or anything. His bipolar is back and we are keeping him as calm as we can. Cause if he gets stressed over something he starts to lose control. He is trying his best but I know what he did with Hae In and how it affected the nearby world.

We had to agree with him cause even if we had said no to him he would have done it. Nobody can stop him, he listens, only when he wants to.

We almost came to the end of the hallway when a door opened and Yong ji stepped outside. He saw us..........


Hope you'll enjoy

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