Part 38

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Y/n's POV
??:- "Welcome Miss Y/n."

Y/n:- "Who are you? Why did you bring me here?"

??:- "I'm Jungkook's best friend and you know what.... everything that you ever experienced was a plan. Jungkook's plan. We has our eyes on you since you came here in Seoul. "

He's lying. Why would he do it? He cared for me. He cooked for me. Jungkook cried in front of me.

Y/n:- "Where's Jungkook?"

??:- "He will come but he won't be able to meet you cause the client's coming in a few."

Y/n:- "Client?"

Then a man came inside and whispered something in his ear, he walked outside with him. I don't care if I'm tied up or anything but right now I want to ask Jungkook. Ask him why did he do this to me. Just to use me for some reason?

I don't want to run but I do want him to answer me. He said he will be with me. I proved that I'm an idiot. How can I trust someone who tortures people and never hesitates to kill anyone.

It took me so long to build up a wall around my heart and I turned it upside down just for him to walk over me like everyone else.

Why my life is so dreadful? I want to kill myself so that I can end this pain forever.

That person came in again but this time with someone else.

??:- "Look here she is."

??:- "I want to take her with me right now or else we'll get late for the flight."

That person was planning on taking me somewhere. And I can say it was by flight so that means it's not somewhere nearby. It's somewhere far away from Korea.

Y/n:- "Why Jungkook needed me?"

??:- "Simple, for money."

He sold me to them. He did all that for money. I can never forgive him. The only thing I need right now is someone who can hold me. But that has never happened.

That bastard. I want to kill him for doing this to me. It's like always I'm alone. Alone with no one to think about me or care about me.

One thing I got to know today was the more you run away from depression the more it runs after you and haunts you. But a thing depression can make you feel, is bliss, bliss of experiencing pain, as it seeps down into you bones to the point you start to feel comfortable being sad.

You start feeling like yourself again cause you feel the wound getting deeper. You feel your sadness going down in your heart and then in the core. It sets there and it becomes utterly difficult to throw it away. Cause that sadness took years to get down there and it will be there forever. Forever unless you becomes so strong and pull it out and throw it away.

I felt the same, that sadness was settled deep into the core of my heart and I experienced myself feeling happier. I was comfortable with my sadness, my depression.

When you have depression and anxiety and on top of that Bpd. Your depression makes you feel like you are the worst person in the world and you deserve to die but anxiety is scared of death. Bpd makes you to think about doing both of them together. You feel terrified but you want take risk and do everything that people are scared of. And most them are scared of death.

As soon as you start to understand it a little, a new chemical releases and it makes you feel like you are in a bubble, the world around you is not real. You start seeing everything through a glass and people might not be able to see you. Like your life is nothing but a game and your operator left his device kept on, on some surface. I don't know if mine one is because of Bpd or anxiety cause both make you feel disconnected to your reality. Disconnected to yourself. They both cause depersonalization and derealization.

Both the men were talking to each other about something but my head was in the clouds.

Y/n:- "Where do you want to take me?"

??:- "Somewhere"

Y/n:- "Then let's go why to waste time?"

I regret saying that cause the anxiety in the back of my mind was screaming at me to stop but I want to come out brave or I can say it was bpd.

Today I felt Eun gi was correct that I'm a pathetic shit.

That person came to me and started to open my feet and hands which were tied to the chair while the other one pointed the gun at my head. The person made me stand and tied my hands again.

Y/n:- "As I'm willing to come with you at least I deserve to know the name. What's your name Mr. Best friend?"

He chuckled.

??:- "I like that about you. Tough and fearless. That is why we chose you."

Y/n:- "I asked for your name Mr. Best friend."

??:- "Jung Hae In."

Y/n:- "And you the one who's taking me."

??:- "Kang Yong Ji"

Y/n:- "So what help do you need Yongjissi?"

Yong ji:- "You speak a lot but let me tell you. Don't you try to act smart at the airport or else I'll shoot."

I giggled at what he said.

Y/n:- "You can kill me right now. I have no will to live. There's no need to threaten me."

Yong ji:- "Uh uh I mean it."

Y/n:- "I mean it too."

Yong ji:- "Okay if you try to run away things will get worse for you. If you don't want to live, I'll make you suffer and will not let you die."

Y/n:- "Better"

I have digged my own grave. And I don't think I can run away and I don't really want to. If that's what written in my fate. Let it be. I don't care but I'm scared.

They made me wear headphones and we walked to the airport. The question was I did not have a passport then how did they get me a visa? They work with Jungkook and he's a wicked man, I can expect anything from him.

Few minutes later
We reached the airport and they played blasting music in my ears maybe so that I could not listen to the announcements.

After a while we got in our plane and he took me away. Away from my mother land. Tears pooled my eyes but at this moment I need to push them down and feign that it doesn't matter.

It took about 10 hours and we landed in Moscow. I've come so far.

An automobile was already waiting for us. We got into it and came to a place that looked like a hotel. Or maybe they owned it.

I'm still in shock that Jungkook sold me to him to take me so far away.

Yong Ji:- "Get in that room, take some rest, then we'll go to the.....

Jungkook's POV
I got home and did not see her. She was nowhere. My heart was beating in my throat. Where did she go?

One of my men came to me and...............


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