Chapter VII

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Batman stepped into the hallway beside Dr. Reynolds. "Where is it?"

"The child is a girl. Harley's in a hospital bed, currently. She hasn't held the baby. I was waiting for you." He sighed. "Bruce, I..." He stopped in his tracks and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You don't have to do this."

Batman crossed his arms. "Do what?"

"Take the kid." Reynolds shrugged. "I can have her adopted out. As of now, she has no name, but there may be a family with fertility issues that—"

"Keith." Bruce shook his head. "She's mine. We've already confirmed that, and Harley knows that. She wouldn't be safe in anyone's hands but mine." He leaned against the wall, just outside the nursery door. "Besides... Alfred wouldn't let me get away with sending her off." He opened the door slowly. He looked around the room, finding Harley resting in a bed, cuffed by both hands to the rails. On the other side of the room, lay a crib. Bruce could see the tiny hands punching the air. Despite having just been born, the child was incredibly quiet. He stepped over, looking inside. Blue eyes, black hair. Already, his daughter bore a striking resemblance to him. He reached down and lifted the child into his arms. Slowly, he removed his mask, revealing his face to the child.

She smiled brightly, a giggle escaping from her toothless mouth. Bruce chuckled in response, his heart melting at the sight of a happy child, one that would soon be his. And only his. He turned around at the sight of Harley stirring. He quickly lifted his mask onto his head as she opened her eyes. Immediately, they filled with tears. "You came to take my baby girl away..." She whispered.

"She belongs to me, Harley. And you belong here. She'll be safe with me." Bruce stepped forward.

"Don't take her from me, Batsy." Harley shook her head. "She's mine."

"You drugged me." He leaned forward, his child firmly in his arms. "This is the result. I'm taking her with me, and I can promise you... She'll be alright." He stood up straight, and turned around.

"Wait." Harley whispered sharply. She lifted her head as far as her restraints would allow her. "What's her name?"

Bruce looked back toward the child. He hadn't thought of a name for her. There were so many incredible names to choose from, however, one that he'd seen on his own family tree stood out. "I've chosen a name." He replied softly. "But I can't tell you. I have to protect her." He opened the door and swiftly left the room, his child now fast asleep in his arms.

"Batsy! Get back here!" Harley shrieked. "Give me back my baby!"



"Kim...Can you hear me?" Bruce called softly, his voice muffled by the fluid she rested in.

Kim opened her eyes slowly, finding a blurry face just above her. "Dad...?" She attempted to lift her head, only to find she could not move. "I can't..."

"You're still sedated. It's been two months."
He leaned over the tub to find her irises appeared to be white. "Keep still. It'll take some time to wear off."

"I don't... remember..." She whispered. "You were with me... Teaching me." Her oxygen mask fogged up as her breathing grew more rapid.

"It was a simulation, sweetheart. To teach you to control your abilities, and to calm your mind." Bruce placed a hand on his child's forehead. "You're safe."

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