As I began walking upstairs, I see the boy showing off to his friend who comes out from back. The boy also had long hair, but it was black, and he had no piercings. I smile as I hear them talking about what they're going to buy.

I make it to my room fast. It was small but it was clean and warm.

My eyes scan around as I look for a remote. Once I find it, I flop down on the cheap spring bed and begin watching tv.

In a way, I kind of feel happy already. This is going great, and I managed to share my happiness with someone else.

I hadn't received any calls from my parents or Ashley but there were a few texts from my coworkers. They were asking if I completed the work, they left me to do even though our boss asked them to do it.

I smile as I read over the text,' I don't have to be guilt tripped into doing anyone's work anymore. For the first time in a long time, I'm excited to wake up tomorrow. '

After watching a few movies, I decide to call it a night.

The bed was uncomfortable but after tossing and turning for a while, I was able to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, the short minutes of sleep I did manage to get was interrupted by my phone ringing. I take it off the nightstand and place it on my ear as I mumble," Hello?"

"August!!!" Angus yells loudly into my ear.

I move the phone away and sit up saying," Not so loud Angus. I was just sleeping."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Wait! No, I'm not!! Why would you take off without telling anyone?"

"Tell who? No one cares about what I do or where I go?" I reply.

"August, I care! I wish you would stop saying no one does when you have me."

I smile a bit, feeling appreciative of him," Well then, I'm sorry."

"Where do you plan on going?"

"I took out all my money from the bank and started heading east. Don't ask me where. Just know that I'm trying to move on from my past."

"More like escape the past. Is this one of those midlife crisis situations people supposedly go through around your age?"

I laugh saying," Oh come one, I'm not even thirty yet."

He laughs as well,"Alright, but if you don't find what you're looking for then call me. I'll always have a place for you."

A knock comes on the door as soon as I thank him.

I hang up and walk over to it as the knocking grew impatient. As I unlock it, my face is suddenly slammed into it as someone pushes their way in.

I stumble back as blood pours from my nose. The impact left me falling to my knees as my head spins.

"Sam! You hit him too hard!" The boy from the front desk says as he crouches near me.

I looked up to see the boy he was with earlier with an angry expression.

He walked over to me with a pocketknife and tells the boy helping to stop my bleeding with his shirt," Just go find out where the money is."

'They're here to rob me? '

The boy with black hair crouches down near me pressing the blade into my neck as the other one finds the envelope on the nightstand.

"You got it?" He asks while pushing the blade deeper onto my neck.

The boy with the blue hair flips through the money in disbelief mumbling," Yeah."

When he looks up, he yells," Stop that! You could hurt him"

His friend stands up taking the envelope from him," Who gives a fuck? Give me the money."

" Let's just go now!" The boy from the front desk urges.

I'm reluctant to see his friend putting the blade in his pocket as he counts the money." There's like thirty thousand in here and he only gave you five hundred?"

The boy with the blue hair bit his lip saying," So what, we got what we came here for, so let's go!"

The boy hands him the envelope," Go start the car!"

Once the boy from the front desk leaves, the other one locks the door and cracks his knuckles.

My heart drops, knowing where this was going. Before I had time to even breathe, the boy kicks me in the head.

My face slammed against the motels itchy rug. I curl up in a ball as he begins kicking me in the stomach. I can't believe I'm getting my ass kicked by a teenager. I reach out my hand to crawl away, but he only steps on it making me cry out in pain.

After a few punches to the face, I black out.

When I woke up, I only had my car keys and a wrinkled-up ball of cash on the floor. I counted it and didn't even find half of the money, only five hundred dollars.

I get up and look at the clock on the nightstand. I was blacked out for hours, the clock's time read two in the evening of the next day. Luckily, they didn't take my phone so I could at least call the cops. But by time I called the cops, they said that the boys quit their jobs and ran off. They were orphans so they didn't have a family they went back to.

My face was bruised up and my stomach felt like hell.

I got back in my car after coming from the hospital and began my journey again.

On the bright side, atleast I was able to help those kids. Being an orphan must suck, at least now they have what they need to have a good life. Even though that was my plan.

As I began driving again, the slit on my busted lip bleeds as a smile forms on my face.

In the end, I was left with my car, a map, five hundred dollars and the clothes on my back.

Before I knew it, I was laughing as tears flooded my eyes.

God, I hate my life.

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