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Before the Creation of Everything, There is a place called Void. This place is all Black you can't see anything, There is no Space and No Light.

In the middle of the Void, there is a an Egg. And this Egg is Beginning to crack which signs that this being is getting born.


The Egg is slowly Opening, After a Minute the Dragon inside the Egg Show up.

The Egg is slowly Opening, After a Minute the Dragon inside the Egg Show up

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Dragon : "Kyuu"

That's the first word that come from the dragon's Mouth.

Dragon : "Kyuu?"

The Dragon said while Tilting his head to the right. The Dragon Open his Wings to fly and roam around the Place where he is born.

In the middle of the Void, we see a Dragon who is Experimenting on how to create something. This Dragon is trying to Create a Thunder/Lighting.

Dragon : "Hmmm i wonder, What can this Blue thing Actually do?"

He tries to touch this Blue thing and..

Dragon : "Ouch!"

He said while blowing his hand to lessen the pain.

Dragon : "Hey, How dare you hurt the one that created you!"

He yell to the blue thing. After some time he Calm down and sit in the Void while putting his Claw on his Chin.

Dragon : "Hmmm this thing can actually hurt me. I wonder if i can create something that can make me not to feel pain anymore?" He asked himself.

Dragon : "Meh let's just try."

After some minute he manage to create the Pain Nullification.

Dragon : "Now that i created the Pain Nullification that blue thing cannot hurt me anymore."

He said to himself while flying towards the blue thing. He stick out his hand and slowly reach the blue thing.

Dragon : "Hope this work, Hope this work" He mutters to himself repeatedly while closing his eyes.

To his surprise it didn't hurt him, Even though he know it himself that his invention will work, he is still traumatized to the pain that this blue thing give to him. Slowly he open his eyes to confirm that he is actually touching the blue thing, When he see that he is indeed touching the blue thing without getting Hurt he jump and Celebrate while shouting.

The Void Dragon: RimuruWhere stories live. Discover now