Our own little wars

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I woke up at around 10:30. The sun beamed through my curtains waking me up. Negan was gone, along with his stuff, I assumed he had work to do.

I got up to make breakfast. There was a note on the counter on a ripped piece of spare paper. It read:
"Meet me in the courtyard at 12pm. We're leaving for Alexandria."

I continued to make my breakfast when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it.
"Negan wants you to meet him now. Times got changed." One of Negans men had explained to me.
"Yea okay, just tell him I'll be ten minutes." I respond before shutting the door.

I put on my best outfit like I was going to some special event. I just wanted to look great when I saw my family again- they may not be as worried. Excitement filled my body, I was like a little girl on Christmas morning. I grabbed my toast before leaving and heading to the courtyard where Negan is waiting.

"There she is!" Simon told Negan. I smiled at them both.
"Where's Sasha?" I asked.
"She's already in there." Negan tells me while he points at the scuffed coffin. I nodded before getting into the truck. Eugene got in after me; Simon being last. The vehicles in-front of us began moving. Simon started the truck and we followed closely behind.

About one hour later, we arrived at Alexandria. We were slightly delayed because a tree had fallen in our path. It was completely silent. I could see the guards on their watch out posts. We got out of our vehicles. I went to stand next to Eugene but Simon directed me to stand the other side of the gate. Eugene got on-top of the truck, where Sasha's coffin was. He began to ramble on about god knows what because I wasn't really listening, I was just waiting to see what was going to happen.

All of a sudden everyone ducked. After about 30 seconds, a group of people stood pointing their guns at the Alexandrians. One of the strange men opened the gates of Alexandria.
"You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick, who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit, and got everyone he gave that shit about killed?" Negan began before pointing at Rick, "it's about you. you're all gonna wanna put ya guns down now."
"No one drops anything." Rick says before whispering something to the strange lady threatening him.

At this point I was getting incredibly nervous. Negan announced that they were gonna blow us all up before ordering Simon and Dwight to pick Sasha up. My anxiety grew and so did my fear. Negan got up onto the truck after the other two took the cloth off.
"Daryl, ooh I gotta get me my Daryl back!" Negan exclaims. "Or Sasha dies."
"Let me see her." Rick orders. Negan knocks on the coffin and opens it enthusiastically.

An undead Sasha comes out of the coffin going straight for negan. "Holy goddamn!" Negan wails before getting pushed off of the truck flat onto his back. I let out a little snicker, I heard gunshots coming from in-front of me. I looked and saw Carl and daryl shorting everyone who had guns pointed to their heads. I got my weapon out and I ran towards Alexandria ducking behind a car. After a minute I ran with the rest of my group to the housing district. Carl and Daryl continued to fire and Rick was still stuck on the guarding post.

I looked back. So many people had died, Rick had been hurt and now captured. I couldn't just stand by I had to do something. I approached everyone slowly. Carl and Rick were knelt. Negan began walking around with Lucille. "You're not gonna win." I heard Carl say. A scream was heard in the distance. We all assumed it was Michonne's- part of me didn't.
"I'm gonna kill Carl now." Are the words that came out of Negan's voice that attracted me back to the conversation. Negan chuckled. He got up and took Carl's hat off. He was about to hit Carl over the head with his bat and I was about to intervene when I saw a tiger jump onto one of the saviours. A group of people came rallying in.
"End these saviours and their accomplices!" The presumed leader declared. People from hilltop began to help as-well. I pulled out my gun, and shot the enemy. Negan looked at me in disgust and anger. I glared at him and fired a warning shot. The 'trash' people had left and soon after so did the saviours. They were hiding behind our gates, trying to pick us off one by one. Daryl got onto the perch and examined the area. They were all gone.

I felt slightly bad for Negan but he never should've messed with us to begin with. I took this time to relax and take everything that had just happened in.

After a little while, I went around to everyone and I said thank you. I gave Daryl and Rick a hug. Michonne was found and was taken to get her wounds patched up.

Maggie and Jesus went to find Sasha.
We made sure to give her a nice send off. I was crying with Maggie. I then went to go check on Rosita and Michonne.

Rick and the man called Ezekiel (who was the kingdoms leader) made a speech. Maggie also contributed. However, I was too concentrated on how the saviours may strike back and whether Eugene was going to help them.

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