The grand tour

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I wake up at around 8am. I'm not really sure why but I begin searching, on my map, for places to scavenge. We've been to about 75% of places close to us so unfortunately, we're gonna have to start going out further. I decide to go back to my map later and instead go see how everyone is today considering last nights tragedy. At around 12, I've talked to everyone except Rick so I decide I'll go see him and make him dinner, maybe even take care of Judith for a bit. I've heard Spencer and Rosita have gone on a run so it'll be a good way to kill time.

(Bang, Bang, Bang)
The loud banging coming from the gate shocks me and I immediately stop cutting my vegetables and run to see what the racket is. "Little pig, little pig, let me in!" I hear a familiar voice shout. Spencer opens the gate where Negan is finally shown. They seem to be having a conversation but I'm too far away to hear. Rick gets closer to the gate and finishes opening it. I walk closer to Negan. However, he goes to kill a walker instead. I see Daryl I try to talk to him while Negan is still rambling on about something and hands Lucille to Rick. "No, nope" he steps close to me and Daryl. "He's the help, you don't look at him, you don't talk to him, and I don't make you chop anything off of him." Negan explains as he cups my face just like before. I move his hand and begin to walk away but he grabs my wrist. "Arat." He says.
"You heard the man. Move out!" She demands.
"You princess, you're gonna show me around and maybe Rick can join us too. He can leave during the fun part." he said in a flirtatious way. I look him in his eyes. I hate to admit this but the way he talks makes me feel fucking amazing. I nod and he lets go of me so I lead the way.

I look back at Rick. "Keep looking forward doll, don't wanna bump into anything do ya?" He hollered. I sighed and turned back around. I love yet hate it. He finds a can of orange soda in a storage container and begins drinking it. He then throws the can on the floor as one of his people begin to talk to him. "I got my fingers crossed for a little freaky-deaky." He grinned as he was handed the camera. The video of Rick when we first came here began to play. "Is that you Rick? Underneath all that man-bush? I would not have messed with that guy." He teased as he took another video of Rick right then and there. He began to talk about Maggie. I covered up for her I told him she had died because Rick wasn't able to hold his temper in so I wasn't going to allow him to make something up. "Do you care to pay you respects?" The priest asks out of the blue.
"Holy crap! You are creepy as shit, sneaking up on me, wearing that collar with that freaky-ass smile." Negan informed Gabriel.
"My apologies. I'm father Gabriel." He says and Negan chuckles.
We all head to the fake grave Gabriel had made so Negan could 'pay his respects' then we moved on. We heard a gunshot. Negan glared at me and Rick, he grabbed me and began to walk towards the noise. We stumble upon Carl with his gun pointed at a saviour. "He's taking all of our medicine." Carl explained. He then threatens Negan. "Carl, just put it down." I insist. "Don't be rude y/n." Negan interrupts. I think about responding back but I know if I did I'd just put someone's life in danger. Carl glares at Negan as he continues on talking about what the 'deal' was. I can tell how stressed out Rick is as Negan asks if Carl wants proof on how serious he is. Carl finally sighs and puts his weapon down and hands it to Rick, which is then taken from Rick to Negan. "Where are my guns?" He asks in a really creepy but serious way. I grab him by his forearm and pull him away from the scene that I just witnessed he smirks- what's new about that? I continue to pull him along, Rick and Daryl are following closely.

We arrive at the garage where we keep the weapons. Olivia opens the shutters and Rick asks her to show Arat where the guns are. Olivia leads the way as Negan speaks again. "You run the show around here?"
Olivia turns and responds "I... I just keep track of it all, the rations, the guns."
"Good. Smart. Don't let me stop you." He continues. Olivia continues forward as Negan's people follow her. I walk away, I wanna go home I need a shower and it's getting way to tense for me here.

I unlock my door. Even though there's no reason to take anything from our houses I still decided to keep a lock with me. That proved to be the right choice considering Negan. I look around and realise I completely forgot about the dinner I was supposed to be making for Rick and his family. Instead of continuing I decided to just put it in the fridge. I go upstairs and take a quick shower. I then put clean jeans and a white shirt on. I go to my bedroom, I'm ready for a nap but I still decide to just lay there and not to sleep.- just listen to what happens outside, I'm surprised Negan hasn't come to find me yet.

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