Broken because of you

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I look beside me. Rick looks like he's had enough- we all have. He's got Abraham's blood splatter smeared across half of his face. Everyone is crying, including me. 'I can't believe my best friend is dead because of this sick man in-front of us all' i thought. Sasha's grip became tighter during the scenes.

"What? Was the joke that bad?" Negan says.
"I'm gonna kill you" Rick spits.
"What? I didn't quite catch that, you're gonna have to speak up." Negan mumbles. I sniffle.
"We're gonna kill you. I'm going to make sure of it. You're going to feel the pain my best friend just did because you forced that upon him along with the pain Glenn felt. Because of you he's never going to be able to see his his baby." I scoffed
"Hot damn" he looks at me with that same old smirk he always has plastered on his face. "well I am awfully sorry y/n but someone had to die and the you're friend Daryl, we'll he stepped out of line." He justified.
"Not today... not tomorrow... but I'm gonna kill you." Rick's speech was slow. Negan sucks his teeth and chuckles.
"Simon, what did he have? A knife?" Negan asks.
"He had a hatchet" Simon answers.
"A hatchet?" He chuckles again.
"He had an axe." Simon corrects. Rick is trying his hardest to keep his anger in. I think over everything he just wants Carl safe. I can't blame him, we've seen what this guy is capable of. "Give me his axe" Negan demands. Simon steps forward and hands him the axe. Negan stands up and grabs Rick. He drags him like a dog as he talks I'm not even sure what about, I'm more focused on the sobbing I can hear from Rick. I hope nothing bad happens to him.

It's been about 20 minutes Negan left in the RV with Rick. It took a couple of tries to start. I look at Abraham and Glenn and I begin to sob. This guy is sick and I swear to god I Am going to kill him. Dawn has broke in the time they have been gone. I hope Rick is back soon.

Negan finished up with Abraham. Daryl rushed forward before I could and I thought about doing it with him. However, he instantly got pushed to the ground and held down. Dwight came up to him with his crossbow pointed at him. I'm sobbing because I'm scared for Daryl's sake. Daryl's grunting and Negan says a firm "no" to Daryl being killed and that relieves me just a tiny bit. He's thrown back in line. Negan obviously begins to explain what would happen because of Daryl's actions and I fear for whoever's life is about to be taken next. "So... back to it" Negan states as he lifts Lucile and hits Glenn straight on his head with so much force. We all gasp, and I hear Maggie let out a sob. I keep hold of Sasha's hand and I close my eyes for about 5 seconds before opening them again and looking straight at Glenn. Glenn is groaning and gasping for air and Maggie is so heartbroken. I felt sick looking at Glenn. Part of his skull was missing and... his eye had popped out it's socket. Everyone was crying- Maggie being the loudest. "It seems like you're trying to speak but you just took one hell of a hit!" Negan chuckles.
"M-Maggie... I-I'll f-find you..." those were the last words to come out of Glenn's mouth. And Negan finally finishes him off.

They finally pull up back where we're all kneeling. The door opens and once again Rick is being dragged. He is thrown in front of us all and is asked if he knows what their trip was about. "Get some guns to the back of their heads" he orders " level with their noses so when you fire it'll be a real mess. Kid, right here. Kid, now" Carl gets up, I'm full of anger. Negan asks Carl if he's a lefty and ties a belt around his arm. He's told to get down on the ground, Negan pushes him in place. He then draws a line on Carl's forearm. Rick begs for him to not make him do it, we all know what Negan wants. "You- you don't have to do this we understand." Michonne tries to explain.
"You understand. Yeah! Im not sure that Rick does. I'm gonna need a clean cut right there on that line." Negan explains. Rick continues to bargain with Negan. Rick groans and sobs and Negan begins to count, he begs and he screams. He raises his axe but before he does it Negan stops it and gets Rick to answer to his questions.

"Dwight! Grab Daryl!" Load him in the truck." Negan says. I look around as Daryl is dragged away. Negan comes towards me. I'm still sobbing. He cups my face with has hand and kisses my forehead. I give him a menacing look. "I'll see you when I come to collect my stuff doll." He states as he walks away and gets into a vehicle. The rest of the saviours pile into theirs shortly after. I see somebody take a picture of Glenn's corpse. We move the bodies as a group and pile back into the RV we decided to allow Sasha to help Maggie back to hilltop along with Glenn and Abraham. We need to help Maggie before we think about fighting them.

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