You can only run

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I hop over the fence blocking my path, due to my fatigue I almost fall. I see a bench about 15 feet away from me and I decide I'm going to have a rest.
I sit down on the worn bench, and reach into my backpack for my water. I have about a quarter of my bottle left. I also decide I'm going to have a snack, so I reach for whatever I pull out first, which was an oat bar.
I finish eating before getting up and continuing my journey, taking out any walker in my sight.

I've been walking for another couple of hours, I'm getting closer to Hilltop. I've been kicking around this stone as I'm bored and it's the most entertaining thing I could think of doing. All of a sudden, I hear a group of cars behind me. I dash into the bushes, unsure whether these people saw me. I attempt to hold my breath as I am breathing incredibly heavily. I hear the vehicles stop and doors opening. "Search everywhere, we're not letting her go!" I hear a familiar voice order. I peak over the bush, I see the saviours, Negan was still in the car with Eugene. I could see Eugene was frightened, while Negan rambled on about god knows what.

"Over there!" One of his men shout.

I know that all I can do now is run, run for my life. I drop my bag, it'll just slow me down and I begin to run deeper into the forest. Gun shots come my way, I duck and avoid every thing that comes for me. I trip but catch myself on a tree. I continue running. I hear footsteps, quick. They're coming from in-front of me. I stop. I have no choice but to fight.
I pull my knife out from my holster, and I hide behind a tree. I hear whistling. Negan's whistling. "Come out darlin' I'm not gonna hurt ya." He yells. I clench my fists, as they get closer and closer. I see one of his men hide behind a tree, I look around and I don't see anyone else. I decide to dive on the man and kill him.
I run towards the tree and grab the man. He knocks the knife out of my hand, so I push him down and hold him down with my boot. He grins at me and I give him a confused look back.
I am pulled back by my jacket, my hands forced behind me. "I got her boss." Another familiar voice says. The man on the ground gets up, picks up my knife and presses it against my neck. I struggle and wiggle but nothing will set me free. "Let me go!" I shriek as the man puts the blade even closer. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The other familiar voice says. "Let her go, and take the knife away from her!" He continues. The man with the knife stepped back, frustrated. And the man holding me let go. "Look at me." The voice said. I turned towards him, Negan.
I sighed and gave off a disappointed look. "What were you doing out here?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "When I ask you something, I expect you to answer me!" He badgered. "I, I was scavenging." I whimpered. He points over to my bag and Simon brings it over to me. "Thanks." I say. Negan puts out his arm, with a smile. I grab on after putting my bag on and walk next to him.

"Get in." Negan orders. I hop into the van next to Eugene. He was shaking in fear and tears pooled down his face. "Eugene, don't worry, we're gonna get out of here." I mumbled so that Negan couldn't hear. He looked at me with the same fear and gave me a slight smile. Negan then got into the van putting Lucille on the empty seat next to him. He grinned at me and Eugene before saying, "bag 'em." At that moment, a brown bag was forced over mine and Eugene's heads, and our hands were tied together with rope and tape.
The bags reeked of sweat, blood and mould. I feared for what might happen to me and Eugene, is he taking us back to the sanctuary?

Rick's POV:
We arrived at hilltop. Gregory did not agree with our opinion on how to deal with Negan. He's completely willing to just let Negan use him like a dog.

There's been no signs of y/n she left several hours ago.- she should have got here by now. "Any signs of y/n, Sasha? She said she was coming to talk to you." I asked.
"No, do you think she's okay?" She replied.
"Yea, she's tough, she can take care of herself. I doubt Negan has got her." I continued. "What was it that you were going to talk about anyway?"
"Oh, we were going to talk about how to improve Alexandria, to make it safer." She responded. It felt like a lie, but I'm not sure what else they would need to talk about. "I'm gonna go and get ready to leave. You should too, Jesus said it would be a long journey." I concluded.

"Darlin', wake up." Negan directed. I opened my eyes to see Negan on top of me, his hands either side of me. He made me feel so flustered. He used his finger to grab my chin so that I was looking directly into his muddy, brown eyes. He grinned at me. I could feel my heart beat faster in desire and I know he could too. He leaned closer towards my ear and whispered, "how about we head to my room and finish what we started here?" My cheeks grew rosy, and my lips turned into a bright smile before Negan latched his onto mine. I closed my eyes, savouring this moment. The taste of his lips on mine was something I needed. It wasn't a want, far from it. I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed me harder than ever.

"Uh, boss, we have a situation." A man interrupted.
"What is it?" Negan questioned in frustration.
"It's Daryl, he's gone, and one of our men are down." The man said. Negan looked at me in want, but ended up getting off me and going to do his duties as leader. I was incredibly relieved Daryl had got out of the hell hole. "Get her and our gun maker here some food, Dwight. I'll be with you soon, Eugene here needs a tour. Once they've both finished eating, take y/n to the cells. Keep Eugene with you, I need to speak with him, so I don't want him to be locked up to piss his pants anymore than he already has." Negan declared before walking away.
"A cell?" I questioned.
"It's what the boss said, can't argue with him." Dwight explained. The man with the messed up face grabbed me and Eugene and forced us forward through the court yard.

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