Just comply

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After a short while, I realised where we were heading. Alexandria. I mean I'm glad we're going because I can see Rick and everybody again, but part of me believes we're going for the wrong reason. If anyone dies I can't blame Carl, we all would have done what he did if we actually had the guts to. He's so strong but he's prone to bad decisions.

Not long later we arrived at Alexandria. They let us through the gates without a word and me Negan and Carl headed to Rick's home.

Negan knocked on the yellow door with his bat. Olivia opened the door. Negan walked in and began whistling. I ushered Carl to go first and then I went in last, hugging Olivia on the way. "Where's Rick?" He said with enthusiasm. Olivia stammered trying to get her words out. "Don't careeee." Negan sang. "Where's Rick?"
"Uhm, out scavenging, for you." She replied nervously. "Cool, we'll wait." He says with a grin. "We're running really low on everything. We're practically starving here." Olivia says with a sob. Negan gave a look of shock. "Starving? You? By "practically," you mean "not really"." He told Olivia. Olivia then began to cry and I rushed over to her to comfort her. I could hear Negan's chuckle and I was ready to smack him around the face. "You people really don't have a sense of humour." He said to Carl.

Negan began to talk to Olivia again and I stepped back. He lightly grabbed her arm and she flinched before turning to him. Negan apologies to her, personally I don't think it's good enough. "I think it would be enjoyable... to screw your brains out." He offers. Olivia doesn't take any of it and slaps him right across the face. Negan shakes his head as if he's just woke up. He leans closer to Olivia. "I am about 50% more into you now." I hear him mumble and he chuckles again. He then asks Olivia to make some lemonade for him. She rushes away. "Alright kid, take me on a grand tour." Negan says to Carl. I stay with Olivia to help out with everything.

I've been taking to Olivia for awhile now. Negan and Carl have been awhile. "Should I go check on them?" I ask Olivia.
"Uh..no- no I think they'll be fine, I'm sure." She responds with a nervous tone.
"You don't sound like you believe that." I say as I go to get a glass of water. We both hear footsteps stomp down the stairs. We look at each-other and she gives me a frightened look. I smile to try to lighten her mood, it doesn't work. "Hey y/n, I was just looking for you!" Negan exclaims. "Well, here I am." I respond as I turn to see Judith in his arms. "What are you doing?" I ask in an aggravated voice.
"Now calm down darlin', I ain't gonna hurt her, she's too cute for that." He says with a stupid grin and a slight chuckle. "Anyway, follow me you two." I hug Olivia before following behind negan and Carl. He takes us to the rocking chairs outside and as there are only 2 chairs I let Carl have the other one.

"Oh, this little girl is precious." Negan states while humming. At this point Negan is going on about something I don't even hear because I'm just thinking about everything that's caused this. Trying to get Maggie to hill top, getting stopped and being forced to watch my best friend and my close friend die right in front of my eyes. Being dragged to the 'sanctuary' and getting too close to Negan. Doing stupid things with that monster. Negan stands up and I turn with shock and fear. "Woah there, why don't you relax here while I go and have a shave? You seem a little...what's the word? Shaken." He acknowledged my fear and senses my stress. I nod. After my little thought there I'm not sure I'm ready to speak to him. He then goes off with Carl and Judith, I'm not sure where but I'm sure they'll be okay.

About 40 minutes later Carl comes to tell me that dinner is ready. I look at him with confusion and let out a slight snicker. "I'm serious, Negan cooked it." I nod and say I'll be right in.

When I walk in I see Negan tasting his food. "Hey baby!" He says. I feel shame flood my body and I look down and walk towards Judith.  I give her a quick cuddle before going to hang my jacket on the door. When I get back Negan is sat and Carl is setting the table. Olivia is making lemonade with Judith. She then comes over to the table and puts the glass on it. Negan tells her with his eyes to pour him some and she does so. "Why'd you ignore me doll?" He asks me. I sit down. "No. You sit here." He points to a seat next to him.

Sorry for it taking awhile I've had no motivation and have had some stuff I've had to do.

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